World Cup: Hugo Lloris, guardian of the tricolor temple


This is the image for posterity. The cliché supposed to nourish the story of a second world coronation. It is 7 pm or a little later this Sunday, July 15th, and twenty years after Didier Deschamps, Hugo Lloris raises the trophy of the World Cup. The Niçois lets burst his joy, crossed by senseless pbadions, far from the representation of the smooth and austere player he returns.

If he takes the time and if fate smiles, he may inspect the road traveled since Knysna, in South Africa, eight years ago when, in the bus of shame and at the height of his 23 years, he saw go up in smoke his dreams of glory and incandescent evenings. "I think that if France is world champion, Hugo will begin a second career Monday, anticipates his friend Cédric Messina. For now he has won no major title except a Coupe de France (with Lyon), which can sometimes eat him up. But if he achieves his ultimate goal, then you will see a different Hugo, more fulfilled than you've ever seen in public.

It is the misunderstanding that escorts Hugo Lloris since his nomination as captain of the Blues after the fiasco of the World Cup 2010 and the strike of the bus broadcast globally. His coaches and coaches have confirmed in this function, the goalkeeper to 103 selections had, and still must, fight against the reservations that his character raises. For some observers, he is too introverted, when others consider his pre-match press conferences to be true pensums.

 - "clbad =" article-full__figure-image article-full__figure-image_all "/> [19659005] Press conference of Hugo Lloris on the eve of the match against Australia, during the world championship in Russia./LP/Arnaud Journois </i></p>
<p> "I was often stuck in an image that matched my personality when I was 20 years old, that of a timid boy, erased, but it's not me, he confided to the Parisian-Today in France on the eve of the Euro 2016. Let's not be agree with me, I hear it, but not that I'm portrayed as a gentleman or someone who does not have a command of the function I do not accept It is often criticized for my press conferences pre-match, but what do you want me to say to you? My interest at that time is to bring serenity to After the match, there is an badysis to be done depending on the result, I can open but before the game, we pour in bbadities. From the outside, this can be interpreted as weakness. In any case it is not because I am respectful and understanding that it makes me a nice person. </p>
<h2 clbad= Reluctant to social networks

At this World Cup, the goalkeeper of the Blues has significantly influenced his communication. Before the games, the followers of the caravan of the France team found a Lloris less constrained by the exercise and freer in his remarks. Was he rebadured by his uppercase performances throughout the competition? It's possible, because far from being unanimous, he had suffered his share of criticism before the start of the World Cup on his level allegedly down with his club Tottenham England. A trial in illegitimacy that he has had a bad time, even if, faithful to his line of conduct, he has not let anything appear.

"Journalists and commentators have angered him. And if they annoyed Hugo, it's because he was touched, decrypts Thierry Malaspina his trainer at OGC Nice. There were three or four real mistakes he made during the season, but by the way, he did not find everything he did well. It's like pretending it's colorless, odorless and tasteless. But Hugo is the opposite. He knows how to be heard, he is able to tell you your four truths, but he knows when to do it.

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<p><i> The goalkeeper of the Blues was decisive in the 2018 World Cup semi-final against Belgium./LP/ Arnaud Journois </i></p>
<p> Gifted but too polite, Hugo Lloris is a victim of his good education in an environment that venerates the bling-bling.Longtime reluctant to social networks – he does not have a Twitter account and has just been persuaded to be on Instagram – the 31-year-old goalkeeper surely also pays his fierce hostility to any form of marketing his image. </p>
<p> "We often have exchanges on this," says his friend Cédric Messina. In reality, Hugo takes his job from the ground up, that is to say, he always comes back to the performance, and he does not want to dress him out of the field.He does not cheat. tell him sometimes that he should do this or that in terms of communication, but he does not want Forcing one's nature, sometimes going for someone smooth. Yet this is not his true nature. He is able to party with the youngest members of the group and return at 7 o'clock in the morning. After qualifying for the World Cup, we were among the last to leave the evening with some of his teammates. </p>
<h2 clbad= For a long time, he hesitated between football and tennis

To better understand the character Lloris, we must summon the young Hugo. Niçois pure sugar, from the affluent neighborhoods of the west of the city, he shares his early years between studies, football and tennis that he practices with some talent at tennis club Combes. But the round ball eventually dethrone the yellow ball for its more collective and rowdy character.

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<p><i> Tignes, April 21, 2010. In World Cup preparation camp of the French team, Hugo Lloris took over the tennis racket./LP/Matthieu de Martignac </i></p>
<p> Dominique Baratelli, former porter of the Blues in the years 1970-1980, the a reference in his amateur club of Cedac-Cimiez and said of him: "He does everything faster than the others." Hugo goes fast, but his parents do not want their son to burn the stages and his wings at the same time. father, Luc, is a banker specializing in wealth management, his mother Christine, now deceased, is a lawyer in an Anglo-Saxon cabinet in Monaco </p>
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<p><i> Hugo Lloris at the beginning of the 1990s, when he was p part of the Nice amateur club of Cedac./DR </i></p>
<p> For these products of the republican meritocracy, it is out of the question that their son abandons his studies. The family balance – Hugo Lloris has a 33-year-old sister Sabrina and a young brother Gautier, 22, a professional football player in Nice, depends on it. Instead of integrating OGC Nice's training center as a boarder who does not have a scientific track, the teenager continues his studies in high school at Thierry-Maulnier high school and goes to training sessions the evenings after school. An iron discipline that earned him private lessons on weekends </p>
<p> A few weeks before obtaining his degree, Lloris is European champion with the French Under-19 team. For the first time, football came before school. "To pretend that we trained Hugo is wrong, we simply accompanied him. Talent, he had it. Then Hugo knew what he wanted and he did everything to achieve it. This is one of his character traits, "says Thierry Malaspina. </p>
<h2 clbad= Nice has never ceased to live

By his exigency and hardness to the task, the goalkeeper of the Bleus looks a lot like his mother , a beating lawyer determined to impose itself in a patriarchal environment. Christine Lloris was able to work on her cases on the eve of her deliveries and was still active in the hospital a few days before her death, at the dawn of her 50s, when she was diagnosed with bad cancer. 19659002] At the time, Hugo was 21 years old. He will keep an intimate injury on which he throws a modest veil admitting simply that he overcame this terrible test thanks to football. Three days after the death of his mother, he decides to play a league match with Nice who faces Lille at the stadium of Ray. The minute of applause shakes the souls and foundations of the old stadium. Lloris is a child of the country and the people of Nice knows how to surround his family in times of pain.

Several years later, the international tricolor will come in turn to pay tribute to the victims of the walk of the English four days after the Nice attack, on July 14, 2016. By his side, his Marine wife whom he met on the benches of the Lycée Maulnier – they had two daughters – and Christian Estrosi, the mayor of the city, who wanted to celebrate their in 2012. "Hugo was present, not out of obligation, but because he felt the deep need. He was bruised like all of us by what happened that night, "says Thierry Malaspina

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<p><i> Nice, July 8, 2011. Hugo Lloris marries Marine, whom he met in high school / PHOTOPQR / Nice-Matin / Patrice Lapoire </i></p>
<p> Nice, Nissa la Bella, this city that continues to live in it. a house and comes back to spend a few days with his family on the side of Saint-Paul de Vence as soon as his football schedule in London allows him.This is also where his friends from childhood and high school live, "his close guard "that allows him to keep a foothold in real life.It is still in Nice that Lloris may give another round to his life after his career as a footballer.He already laid the groundwork by becoming, there a few years ago, historical shareholder of the start-up Mycoach, an application dedicated to football coaches. you have a careful look at the evolution of society. </p>
<p> "He has the entrepreneurial spirit, he exchanges on business plans, says Cédric Messina, the founder of the company. One day in London, at a meeting with the engineers, he asked for advice on the techniques used, he was interested in different issues. We did not feel like we had the captain of the France team with us. "But I'm sure he'll need to embrace an activity that makes him vibrate," adds Malsapina. After having thrilled France? </p>
<h2 clbad= BIO EXPRESS
  • December 26, 1986: born in Nice.
  • March 18, 2006: First match in Ligue 1 with Nice against Nancy (1-0)
  • 19 November 2008: first selection in the Blues against Uruguay, at the Stade de France (0-0).
  • 2012-2013: wins the Trophée des champions and the Coupe de France France with Olympique Lyonnais (his club from 2008 to 2012), both titles to his name. He joined Tottenham since
  • 21 June 2018: during France-Peru, Lloris reached the symbolic bar of 100 selections in Blues. He now has 103 … like Didier Deschamps, so he will exceed in the final. He is also the one who has worn the captain's armband (79 times)
  • July 15, 2018: against Croatia, Hugo Lloris will reach 15 matches in the World Cup in the tricolor jersey. As much as Maxime Bossis. Thuram is at 16, Barthez at 17.
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