World: "If I have the star, I do not care about the game!" Says Griezmann


Istra (Russia) – "I want the star and, if I have the star, I do not care about the game!", Antoine Griezmann launched Friday two days before the World Cup final against Croatia, baduming the defensive style of the France team.

Q: Two years after the Euro, you are more in the fight and the organization of the game, less scorer: a small hint of frustration?

R: " Being a top scorer, we lost, I thought: + I'll put fewer goals to see if we win + (laugh) My game changes, I'm more to put the pace, keep the ball or accelerate, if I score so much better but I am more of a player who thinks of the team than to put my goals ".

Q: This match can change your life …

R: " Yes, it can change it but we do not think too much about Sunday night or Monday, we want to prepare the match " .

Q: Grizou rhymes with Zizou …

R: " I do not like too much + Grizou +, me it's more + Grizi + but good … "

Q: What did you learn about yourself?

R: " That I stay the same: I play Fornite (video game) all day, I enjoy football, I drink my mate, that's what I like at home ".

Q: How did the spirit of sacrifice come to the group?

R: " First of all because we live well, it helps to make the efforts for the teammates.We ourselves, we thought we had to be a solid block, hard to beat and, little by little, we've improved it, we're getting hard to beat, that's what's beautiful, that's what's good, and then, offensively, we know we can score at any time . "

Q: You put your teammates back on the field …

R: " I have the chance to work with the best coach defensively (Diego Simeone at Atlético Madrid, Ed), I see stuff on the pitch, I'm trying to say it, to let them learn, as they can teach me offensively little tricks I'm lucky enough to play with + Cholo + (Simeone) so I give tips and tricks to reframe defensively ".

Q: Did you have to convince players of the benefits of sacrifice?

R: " I have not tried too hard to convince the teammates … If Kylian (Mbappé) and + Olive + (Giroud) see me back in my area, they say to themselves + why not me +. defense, in our style of play, with the players we have, it's the most important, and with our attackers we can do something, Kylian on an overflow, Olive on a center or me, on a small madness, as it happens to me from time to time ".

Q: The French team is Atlético style?

R: " This is the style of play I have in the club, I'm used to, I know how to handle it, I try to take the game to my account, speed up or slow down when necessary ".

Q: We feel the leg Deschamps …

R: " He is respected by us because he won (the World Cup, in 1998, Ed), he knows the where to go, he made strong choices for Lucas (Hernandez) or (Benjamin) Pavard, he changed after Argentina, the pressure went down, it made us feel good. he knows where to go, we believe in him, we trust him, we play for him ".

Q: What is left of the joy of 1998?

R: " We see the pictures, the photos and the videos.In Macon, it was almost anything when we qualified for the final, we hope to restore this joy. is highly anticipated but we have confidence in ourselves, we have the potential to do something great and bring them back the cup ".

Q: Will you be proud if we talk about the Griezmann generation?

R: " It will probably be a pride later, but I always put the band before, without the band you can not do anything, we're talking about the Zidane generation 98. 2018, I do not know whoever it is, it does not matter, I just want to make a big game and win the World Cup ".

Q: Criticism has been made by the Belgians about the quality of play of the Blues …

R: (cuts) No! (Thibaut) Courtois played at Atlético de Madrid, he was champion of Spain. And in Chelsea, he thinks he's playing Barça? No! We do not care how, how we win, we won! "

Q: Would it bother you to be perceived as a lousy world champion?

R:" No, I I do not care! I want the star, and if I have the star, I do not care about the game! "

Q: Why do you often say" long live the Republic "? [19659003] R: " You have to be proud to be French! We say very little: we are in France, we eat well, we have a beautiful country, we have a beautiful team from France, we have beautiful French, beautiful journalists (laughs)! I want young people to say + Long live France and long live the Republic! +. You have to be proud to be French. I know we are very much watched by everyone and I want to say how proud I am to be French "

Interview at a press conference

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