Xenoblade Chronicles 2: a new update available, again


Since its release, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is sprinkled with updates and we are entitled to new content almost every month. It is at the end of July that the 1.5.1 update made its appearance and brings its usual lots, but also some interesting options.

 xenoblade chronicles 2 crossette 3

Unsurprisingly, a pack of five new quests is available with more or less interesting rewards as well as a new Blade rare, the small Crossette . Of type healer to the fiery element, she uses a bullet like weapon and possesses the capacity to cook dishes like the heroine Pyra . But the most interesting in this update is the appearance of new difficulties. It was already possible to switch between the modes Easy and Normal for a little while already, now we can activate the mode Oracle of chaos and suffer as it should be in the fighting . And if it proves too difficult, a custom difficulty option comes up with the ability to set several parameters like the strength of the enemies (damage, attack frequency, maximum HP), but also the power (19659006) Another, less interesting, option allows to activate alternative themes for the fights, which will change the music according to the equipped blades . That's enough to take care of for a few days while waiting for the episode of Torna that will be released in September.

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