Xeon E-2100, Multi-Chip Package and Cascade Lake up to 48 cores to meet AMD


While AMD is about to talk about the future of its CPUs and GPUs, Intel has decided to cut the grbad under its feet by evoking its next generation Cascade Lake … to confirm that it will contain some surprises.

In early August, Intel organized its Data-Centric Innovation (DCI) Summit. An event that had a goal: to rebadure the builder's innovation ability in the server, while AMD is in the process of reconquest.

The Texan has indeed put on the market its EPYC processors in 2017, with the promise of a better density and enticing technical characteristics (number of cores, PCIe lines, security features). But above all, tariffs defying all competition. Gradually, the partners decided to follow the initiative.

Dell and HPE were among the first to make announcements, and have since been followed by leading manufacturers such as Cray, or cloud players such as Alibaba, Microsoft and Oracle. The war is also waged in the field of workstations, with the Ryzen Threadripper whose second generation was launched this summer.

AMD's goal is clear: to regain market share in these highly lucrative segments. The company nevertheless seems aware of the inertia when it comes to changing habits to CIOs, Lisa Su told us during an interview that she wanted to reach 10% at first.

To achieve this, the strategy and the products will have to evolve. The company should also make a series of announcements during the day, during its Next Horizon event. It must spend the second, including through processors and graphics chips engraved in 7 nm, to be on the market next year.

This is probably what prompted Intel to deliver some details about its upcoming products as early as yesterday.

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