YouTube: private browsing is available on the Android application, here's how to activate it


You can now enable private browsing on YouTube's Android app. Here's how to take advantage of it.

After testing it for a long time, YouTube now hosts private browsing mode on its mobile app . This option allows you to watch a good number of videos without having to worry about "polluting" your history and, therefore, not having a line of suggestion without a head or tail on the application's home page. [19659003] To enjoy it, just tap your profile icon at the top right of the screen. Just below the "Change Account" tab, you will see the "Enable Incognito" option appear.

The first time you press it, YouTube will display a pop-up window to remind you that despite private browsing enabled, " your employer, school, or Internet service provider may still have access to your business ."


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That's it! You can now watch as many videos as you can not see appear in your history or suggestion thread with impunity. Note that when you are in private browsing, a small black banner at the bottom of the screen will indicate it to you.

To return to a clbadic use, press on the icon on the top right composed of a hat and d a pair of glbades on a black background. A menu will then propose to disable the incognito mode.



We have noticed the arrival of this new feature on three different accounts – Premium and free subscriptions – here at FrAndroid . If it's not yet the case for you, it will still wait a little while the deployment is complete.

Read on FrAndroid: YouTube apologizes to the LGBTQ community

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