Freddie Kitchens on Baker Mayfield: "He's too successful"


CLEVELAND, Ohio – Browns coach Freddie Kitchens said Tuesday he needed to do a better job of getting the ball out of Baker Mayfield.

"He has too many shots," Kitchens said during a conference call. "I do not like my quarterback taking tubes.I can do a better job by putting him in better situations on a consistent basis."

Kitchens said the Jets' defense did not surprise the Browns.

"I can do my best to constantly put him in better situations," he said.

Mayfield (19-of-35, 325 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT, standings 83.6) was fired three times and hit six times. He remained in the game in the fourth quarter, with the win in hand, and was sacked for the third time in third and eighth place for an eight-yard defeat, hitting two defenders with full force.

Kitchens said he hoped Mayfield would try to convert that third goal in two minutes and not to reinforce, Garrett Gilbert. He added that he would have liked Mayfield to go to bed early on this last bag "to protect himself".

He admitted that Mayfield may be holding the ball too long, as the offensive has not played much together and is not playing as fast as it will be in the future.

"But I still have to do better during the week" to put him in good situations, "said Kitchens.

Mayfield has been sacked eight times this season, three more than in the last eight games of 2018. He took several tough shots from Gregg Wiliams' defensemen Monday night and will face a bitter Rams defense Sunday night at FirstEnergy Stadium.

He said the offensive line had played better than last week but needed to continue to improve.

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