Freddie Kitchens Responds to Gregg Williams' Critique by Myles Garrett's Bleacher Report


Berea, OH (92.3 The Fan) – As new head coach Freddie Kitchens, Myles Garrett does not mince words when he speaks.

It was evident last week in the Cleveland Bleacher Report. Garrett was asked what could change for him with Kitchens in charge and under the orders of the new defense coordinator, Steve Wilks.

"I hope to have more freedom to be the player I want to be," Garrett told Bleacher. "[Former defensive coordinator and interim head coach] Gregg [Williams] was more like: You win with these two movements. I do not want to see anything from you anymore. It's a bit difficult with two shots. I have the impression that you can not always be so predictable. You can be as strong or fast as you want, but speed and power do not always go to work. You have to mix what you do. Sometimes you have to stutter, sometimes you have to turn inside, you have to run some games. You must have some freedom to throw them different looks, and we have not always had it. "

The increase in the number of kitchens as head coach in January was a direct result of his work with quarterback Baker Mayfield and the offense that led the team to five wins in the last seven weeks of the season with him as offensive coordinator and Williams, now with the Jets, acting acting coach.

Williams received the first interview, but it seemed like a simple courtesy before the team finally decided to raise Kitchens.

On Saturday, Kitchens was questioned about what Garrett had to say.

"First and foremost, Gregg Williams was a good football coach. He has been a good football coach in the National Football League for a while, so that's the angle here, "Kitchens said on Saturday. "For Myles, we need to be successful in all areas. I think Myles will be the first to tell you. We will give him every opportunity to master his trade and we hope that production will increase. We expect production to increase across the defensive line, linebackers and linebackers. Production in our football team must increase. "

The question about Garrett's comment in last week's profile sparked a frank and long response from the first-year head coach following the minicamps' second workout on his expectations.

"For the future, we are not worried about last year on any area of ​​last year, offensively, defensively, with special teams or anything," continued Kitchens. "All we have, we must aim to improve in all areas. Whether it's media coverage, rushing Myles or Scottish Hammer, everyone is better. Last year is last year. There are not two identical teams. I have said it many times. You will not pick up where you left off.

"We are not interested in the new visit of last year. We were 7-8-1. We did not do [anything] last year. We did not win anything. We were third in the division. I do not know where all this comes from. The fact that our goal is the Super Bowl does not mean we are now. We are a team like the other 31 teams and we focus on training camp, OTA, minicamps and we improve when these guys are back in the building. "


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