Frisco real estate agent Jenna Ryan arrested and charged for her role in the riot at the U.S. Capitol


The FBI arrested a woman Frisco on Friday for her involvement in the U.S. Capitol riot last week.

Jenna Ryan, who is a real estate agent in the area, faces charges of “knowingly entering or remaining in any building or restricted land without legal authorization” and “disorderly conduct on the Capitol grounds”.

In an unsealed statement of fact on Friday, the federal government said Ryan and others had arrived by private plane from Denton to Washington DC and in a social media post threatened to storm the capital and posted photos and videos of her on Capitol Hill during the riot involving a pro-Trump mob.

A video posted on the day of the riot to her Facebook account shows her talking in a mirror and saying, “We’re going to come down and storm the Capitol. They’re over there right now and it’s why we came and that’s what we’re going to do. to do. So wish me luck. “

MORE: Capitol Riot cover

Later that day, Ryan posted a video of herself on Facebook walking towards the Capitol. She then tweeted a photo of herself in front of a broken window in the Capitol building, writing “Window to the Capital [sic]. And if the news keeps lying about us, we’re going to come after their studios… “

Ryan spoke with FOX4 earlier in the week and said she didn’t think she would be taken into custody.

“I don’t feel like I did something wrong, in fact I felt I did something noble and I’m proud to be there,” she said in an interview on Wednesday. “I was doing my duty, okay? I was doing my duty for my president.”

Ryan admitted to being on Capitol Hill and going inside during the storm, but claims she was peaceful and was unaware of what was going on around her at the time.

“And I’m like, ‘OK, we’re going to storm the Capitol,’ but I didn’t mean like with guns and knives. Ryan said previously. “For me, it was a demonstration. I didn’t know people were being killed. I didn’t know people were dying.”

There is no evidence provided that she directly caused the violence on Capitol Hill.

FBI investigators gathered evidence at Ryan’s home in Carrolton on Friday evening.

“We are looking to identify everyone involved in this siege on Capitol Hill,” said Matthew J. DeSarno, special agent in charge of FBI Dallas.

Across the country, Ryan is one of more than 275 open cases related to the insurgency, according to the FBI, and has received more than 100,000 digital media tips, many involving North Texans.

They are asking more people to come forward.

“The prognosticators have turned to their friends, neighbors and relatives. All of them increasingly radicalized by inflammatory rhetoric,” added DeSarno.

Five people, including a Capitol Police officer, ultimately died when Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building after an inflammatory speech by the president. The riot interrupted the certification of the Electoral College by lawmakers for several hours.

Ryan joins Larry Brock Jr. of Grapevine, who was inside the Capitol Chambers dressed in combat gear and wearing zippers, and a man named Troy Anthony Smocks, as the North Texans arrested on charges of actions at the Capitol.

A judge freed Ryan hours after his arrest.


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