FSB warns of US cyberattacks after Biden administration comments



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The Russian government issued a security alert Thursday evening warning Russian businesses of possible cyber attacks launched by the United States in response to the SolarWinds incident.

The Russian government’s response comes after comments from the new Biden administration earlier today.

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Responding to questions about their plans for the SolarWinds hack, the new White House officials said they reserve the right to respond to any cyberattack at any time and in any manner they choose.

Moscow’s response to that comment came hours later in the form of a security bulletin issued by the National Computer Incident Coordination Center (NKTSKI), a security agency founded by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB ), the Russian Internal Security and Intelligence Agency.

The brief statement cited comments from the Biden administration, interpreted as threats, and provided a list of 15 security best practices businesses should adhere to in order to stay safe online.


(Text translated with Google Translate)

The best practices included in the alert are based on factory safety advice and nothing that companies or even the least qualified safety practitioner already knew.

The security alert was issued further in response to aggressive statements from the Biden administration earlier today.

The White House comments follow a tone set two weeks ago when U.S. officials from the FBI, CISA, ODNI and NSA formally accused Russia of orchestrating the large-scale attack on SolarWinds supply chain.

Kremlin officials have repeatedly denied any involvement in the SolarWinds incident.

At yesterday’s press conference, the Biden administration also pledged to commit $ 9 billion to cybersecurity following the SolarWinds hack.


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