Further evidence that mask warrants have worked to slow the spread of Covid-19, Kansas CDC study finds


Since Covid-19 is spread primarily through respiratory droplets, wearing a mask can protect others from the person wearing the mask who may have Covid-19. This month, the CDC released guidelines that masks can also protect the wearer by filtering out incoming infectious droplets.
On July 2, as cases of Covid-19 increased in the state, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly signed an executive order making masks mandatory in public spaces. The majority of counties in the state, 81, chose not to adhere to this decree, but 24 either chose it or created their own mask mandate. The counties that required masks represent two-thirds of Kansas’ population.

The CDC and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment looked at trends in Covid-19 cases between June 1 and July 2, before the warrant, and then July 3 to August 23, after the warrant. to compare what happened.

In the 24 counties that required people to wear masks in public, there was a net 6% decrease in cases; while the disease continued to increase in warrantless counties. In these counties, the net increase in cases was 100%.

This research “adds to the evidence supporting the importance of wearing masks and implementing policies requiring their use to mitigate the spread of SARS-CoV-2,” the report said.

This report is also consistent with other studies that have shown a decline in Covid-19 cases in 15 states and the District of Columbia, after mask warrants were put in place, compared to states that did not need of masks and continued to see an increase in cases, according to the report.

Lines to be tested for coronavirus are developing long before Thanksgiving and amid rising cases
A CDC study in Arizona in October saw the number of Covid-19 cases stabilize and then decline after a mask warrant went into effect in June.

As of November 11, at least 35 states as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico had some type of mask requirement order in place statewide.

President-elect Joe Biden discussed the need for a national mask term on Thursday with a bipartisan group of Republican and Democratic governors.

Wearing a mask, Biden said, “is not a political statement; it is a patriotic duty.”

Some studies have shown that if there was a universal mask warrant, it could save thousands of lives.
As the number of Covid-19 cases increased across the country, Kansas Governor Kelly on Wednesday announced a new executive order establishing another statewide face coverage protocol that will come into effect on the 25th. November.

The new order allows local leaders for a week to create and implement their own version of a mask ordinance that works for their communities.


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