Future of Elder Scrolls series teased with tweet and card


The future of The Elder Scrolls series has yet to be defined, but there’s a chance Bethesda is gearing up to reveal more of what awaits fans of the series in the future.

A few days ago, a new tweet from the official Twitter profile of the series teased the future of the franchise with a map that may have provided new details on the upcoming sixth entry.

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Fans of The Elder Scrolls series have taken a good look at this map, and it has been suggested that one of the three candles could point to the primary location of TES VI, which could be Hammerfell, the home of the Redguards. The date on the card may also confirm that this tease is not for upcoming content on The Elder Scrolls Online, as 4E 182 is centuries ahead of the Second Era when online play takes place.

The Elder Scrolls VI was announced in 2018, but nothing else has been said about the game since its announcement. With Starfield set to be Bethesda’s next big release, it might take a little longer to find out more about the next entry in the popular RPG series.

It’s after Starfield, about which you know next to nothing. So if you come to me for details now and not years from now, I fail to properly manage your expectations.

The Elder Scrolls VI is currently in development. A release date has yet to be confirmed.


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