Gab’s social network is down as his Twitter account goes missing


Caused a failure

CNET screenshot

Gab, a social media platform popular with right-wing users, shut down Friday night with its website displaying an error message. The company’s Twitter account is also gone.

The service’s website displayed a message to potential visitors saying, “We encountered an error processing your request. Please try again in a few seconds.”

Gab CEO Andrew Torba did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the return of services.

Gab’s Twitter account has disappeared from the short message service. “This account does not exist,” leaf formerly used by Gab read.

Twitter said it had not taken action against the Gab account.

Gab, who has already been criticized for antisemitic content, hails itself as a platform for freedom of expression, a self-characterization also used by Speak, the right-hand version of Twitter.

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