Gallery: A one year pilot project aimed at attracting every ultimate character of Smash Bros.


In recent weeks, we have shared art galleries made by fans a little more often than usual and the response from you has been wonderfully positive. Continuing this current trend, we came across a project encompassing all the characters of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – and there are some rather bright entries to see.

J. Marme, a storyboard artist and a big fan of Nintendo, has chosen Instagram to share works of each character to showcase our Smashing screens until now – which isn''t without calling back God of the war current project of artistic director Raf Grassetti. The project started a little over a year ago – starting with Mario, of course – and was completed just a few days ago with Joker.

The overall style is consistent, although we believe that J. Marme's work is getting stronger and stronger over the weeks and months. It is interesting to see how the project was put in place, and we are really digging the style. Here is a small selection:

J. Marme has added each motif to a banner, like the famous Smash wall painting, used for promotional purposes for the game. You can see this and all the designs on @ j.marme.

What do you think? Are you a fan of the artistic style? We can not wait to see new pieces for the next DLC characters!


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