Game Day Skull Session: Get Ditched Next, Cincinnati


Hell exists.

The Bearcats learned that the last time they had transported I-71 to Columbus and that they were about to learn again.

The good news for Cincinnati is that they narrowly avoided a second Brother Bosa who happily restored what is certainly the most precious moment and perhaps the most iconic moment in Cincinnati football history. .


The bad news is that the second Bosa has been replaced by a 6-foot-5, 265-pound mutant with the nickname "The Predator".

But it will not be him, the Silver Bulls are going to fly today, and they already have Cincinnati head coach Luke Fickell – the guy who coached them before – who guesses it. Because, you see, this scheme that offered an attack among the top 50 at -14 yards in the first half was as vanilla as possible.

As for the other side of the ball, I have to admit that Ohio State's fouls have collapsed after losing 28 points in a single quarter, but it's still more than the offense. of Cincinnati have been in 65% of their matches since Luke Fickell took over as head coach.

One day, Cincinnati will win their first match against Ohio State since the pass was added, but it will not be this day. But hey, at least, these players realize their childhood dream of playing in the Ohio stadium and being driven by a Buckeye legend.

And I want to say that – Fickell is a Buckeye legend. Fans of Cincinnati, enjoy. You should. But deep in your mind, you will always remember that he loves us more.

Word of the day: Expunge.


Oh, they know. Either the owners of this Cincinnati brewery are big fans of Buckeye, or they are the most conscious Bearcat fans of all those I've ever met in the wild. Either way, it's amazing.

Peep the choice of the photo:

This brewery knows very well that it does not give a pint at half price today and I have never enjoyed a promotion so much.

HERMAN SPEAKS FROM BURROW. The clash against Luke Fickell is not the only clash of formerly friendly foes this weekend, with Joey Burrow confronting both the guy who recruited him and the one who l? coached when he plays against Tom and Tim in Texas this week.

I do not think that they would ever have confessed to being afraid of the Amish rifle, but it seems that the Steers seem preoccupied.

From Wescott Eberts's Burnt Orange Nation:

"I love Joe," Herman said Monday. "I recruited him. I have known his family. He is the son of a coach – his father is the defense coordinator at Ohio University. He reminds me of our guy. "

On Wednesday, Texas defensive coordinator Todd Orlando echoed the words of his head coach, doubling the comparison with Longhorn junior quarterback Sam Ehlinger and Beck before Orlando. But what specifically makes Burrow reminiscent of Ehlinger's Texan coaches?

"He's physically, mentally tough, he's very competitive, he's a leader among the leaders. So you have to put pressure on him, like any good quarterback, but we have DB coaches who say: hold on, can we cover him from time to time and again, and help my guy. So you have to vary appearances, "said Herman.

I do not know how this game will unfold, but I know I'll manage.

I'm trying my best, okay? So I went 1-4 last week.

The losses included: a ground strike with a Stanford streak to blow up the Northwestern cover with 20 seconds left on the clock, Ohio State up 28-0 in the first quarter and not covering 27.5, and quarter USC ripping his ACL and rummaging through the state of Fresno 15 yards in the first half while increasing 10 points as a favorite of 13.5 points.

But we bounce!

Clemson -17 against Texas A & M

This line has baffled me because people, Clemson will cover that at halftime (and will continue to cover it throughout the match – I'm watching you, Buckeyes).

I understand that Texas A & M looked good and Kellen Mond played like a damn Heisman contender against Texas State * check notes. I understand that Trevor Lawrence looked rusty (in a game where they still won by 38, by the way). I also understand that A & M played against Clemson last year.

I think this line is an overreaction to all this. Clemson is currently the best team in the country and I think they've demonstrated it by winning by 38 and in a match where their divine quarterback only had 13 goals against 23 for 168 yards with one touchdown and two choices.

In addition, public bettors are SLAMMING Texas A & M with nearly 80% of bets going to Aggies. Yes, I will be happy to eliminate the public by choosing the national champions in title.

Miami -5 against North Carolina

Again, this sounds like an overreaction to the first games of these teams. I know Miami looked offensively anemic against Florida, but overall, I think the Hurricanes looked really better than I expected. Jarren Williams played well in his first real college match and North Carolina's defensive line is not in the same galaxy as Florida's. Meanwhile, North Carolina beat South Carolina – which is also not a particularly great team – in a rather ugly match. I'll take the canes, especially after a week off.

Michigan -22.5 against the troops

I do not want to do it, but it 's just the right game. Michigan looked good and the army did not look like it. all against Rice, who had just crashed at Wake Forest. I wanted to see the surprise, and I was looking forward to playing this game all season off, but I now think Michigan will play in this game. And if there is anyone who is not afraid to criticize a service academy, that's the guy who stalks relentlessly for a 10-year-old kid in a laser tag game so that he can be sure that he's a good friend. he could win and rationalize it by explaining it "seemed to be part of the game."

Florida Atlantic +13 vs. UCF

Hey, I will ride with Lane Kiffin and nearly two touchdowns against an UCF team that has not been tested at all last week. I think the owls are better than the ones they played last week and started putting it a little bit after being hit in the first quarter. I think it's more advantageous to beat Ohio State for three quarters (though it was not the first team) in a defeat than to dive into a mediocre FCS team. I think Florida Atlantic will be more ready to play than the Knights. I'm not saying that they're going to win, but they're not going to lose by two touchdowns.

Tennessee -3 against BYU

This is my second choice of the day against which I will actively tackle, but like, they are not going to lose consecutive games against pretty bad teams, are they? (I hope they are,

NOT ADHESIVE TO SPORTS. A 73 year old girl gives birth to twins … A forest grows in the middle of a football stadium … The history of cannibalism that has occurred … The results of the DNA suggest that the Loch Ness monster could be a giant eel … A Hidden Japanese colony is found in the forests of British Columbia …


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