Game Of Thrones Episode 4: This is what happened to Ghost, Jon Snow's Direwolf (Season 8)


If you are all caught up, consult why the dead of this huge battle were disappointingwhat Melisandre told Arya back in season 3and just what combat tactics this episode were in fact. You might also ask yourself what happened to Jon's dragon and what happened to Ghost, not to mention what new theories based on episode 3. And for a deep dive in every episode of Season 8, Discover GameSpot of Thrones Lucy, Ryan, Tamoor and Dave with the Westeros networks every week to count out the last three episodes of Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones has completed what is arguably its widest and largest plot in "The Long Night," the third episode of season 6 of the episode of the 8-episode. Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow, With just about all the major characters of Westeros, are the king of the night, the white marchers and the army of the dead in a final confrontation. We even saw Ghost, the big-guy who often misses Jon Snow, join the fighting. It was unclear what had happened to Ghost when he had escaped with Dothraki's screamers to fight the army of the dead, but we discovered that he had managed to cross the battle in the post-episode teaser of episode 4, "The last of the Starks."

We now know what happened to Ghost during the battle: he apparently mingled with monsters but eventually survived. When it shows up in episode 4, Ghost is a little less wear-resistant, having lost an ear during fights. But do not expect to see the giant wolf any more, because during the episode, Jon revealed that we were saying goodbye to his very great doggo friend.

Now that the war with the dead has been won, Jon heads south with Daenerys to fulfill his commitment to her. She agreed to wage her war against the White Walkers and he agreed to help her get the iron throne. It is expected that Jon is heading for King's Road with the bulk of the last armies of Dany, Unsullied, Dothraki and Northmen, heading for King's Landing to block Cersei's supply lines and return the inhabitants of the city against her. Ideally, this would mean that the war would end with the overthrow of Cersei by the inhabitants, while Daenerys would not have to attack the city and kill thousands of innocent people to seize the Throne. iron.

Before leaving, Jon bids farewell to his surviving friends. When he talks to Tormund, we discover that the Wildlings have decided to go home north of the wall. The south, Tormund tells him, is not a place for the free people. Jon responds that this is not a place for a giant wolf either, and asks Tormund to take Ghost with him when he returns to Castle Black after the winter storm.

It looks like it's the last time we'll see Ghost (and Tormund, for that matter). The giant wolf does not go to King's Landing with his master, which means that werewolves are excluded from the show. The only other surviving wolf is Nymeria, which belonged to Arya Stark. We briefly saw Nymeria during Arya's trip to Winterfell during Season 7, when the giant wolf and a pack of smaller wolves met Arya in the woods. The two men had a moment together when Arya asked Nymeria to take her home, but the wolf chose to stay wild instead.

As for the longevity of the werewolf, though, it's probably good that Ghost is not going with Jon, since Stark's wolf-guards are not doing as well in the South. Lady, Sansa Stark's wolf, was killed in retaliation after Aryma Stark's wolf, Nymeria, bit Prince Joffrey during Season 1, while Robb Stark's Gray Wolf died at the Twins during the red wedding. Again, they do not do very well in the North either – Bran Stark Wolf, Summer, died north of the wall to defend him during "Hold the Door", when he met the King of at night in the Cave of the Three Eyes. And Shaggy Dog, Rickon Stark's werewolf, was killed by the Umbers when they captured the youngest Stark for Ramsay Bolton.

The dismissal of the last big giant wolf is a disappointment, however. In the first seasons of the series and in the romances "A song of ice and fire" by George RR Martin on which they base themselves, the werewolves and their relationship with the Stark children always seemed to be a very big deal, and a relationship that was leading somewhere. In fact, according to some fan theories, Ghost and Nymeria both have a role to play in the battle against the king of the night and in the safeguarding of their respective Starks. One of the biggest disappointments with adapting the series novels is apparently that the distant wolves and their relationship with the Stark family seem to have been so low.

Since there are no more werewolves, it seems that Game of Thrones eliminates especially his animal friendly friends and their relationship with the main characters. At least we do not have to watch another darling dog get murdered under the orders of Cersei Lannister.

Check out our reviews for episodes 3 and 4 for our impressions as we move on to the last two episodes of the series. Some complaints about people who died during the Battle of Winterfell might also interest you.


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