Game of Thrones final: The biggest unanswered questions



Drogon the coward.


Arranger Game of Thrones in a neat and small package would always be difficult. It's a fantastic fantasy epic with dragons and magic and a cast of characters that rivals the 10-year-old Marvel film universe.

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Game of Thrones season 8 finale: our watch is over


After the credits rolled on the iron throne, the latest episode alreadyand a wave of relief invaded everyone, there were still obvious questions to be solved. We have met so many characters over the years and have had so many connections between us that Game of Thrones will always let us scratch our heads a bit.

We delve into all the questions that the series has never answered here, so take note: you are entering Spoiler Town.

Of course, if you have finished asking questions and prefer to get answers, you can read our full summary of the final episode who goes deep on the fate of the iron throne or head to our gaze on where each character has finished now the show is finally over.

Without further ado, here are some of the outstanding topics that we will probably never see related.


Hey, uh … the most powerful weapon of the kingdom is just roaming in the East. The equivalent of a nuclear bomb with wings. Just walk around and eat all the sheep and goats grazing in Essos. It can not be safe for anyone. We saw Drogon set fire to little boys! What if a wizard or a pirate made a strategy to catch Drogon? The game of thrones starts from scratch.

Bran tells us in the last episode his desire to hunt down Drogon, presumably with his assiduous driving abilities. Why can not he just get to Drogon, then dive as far as possible into the ocean and leave him there? We will never know.

The Dothraki Horde

There are some burning questions in the last episode that relate to the Dothraki, warriors attached to horses who eat hearts, and who seemed totally oblivious to the Battle of Winterfell. Remarkably, they still have significant strength and are complicit in the fire of King's Landing by Dany.

The Dothraki only go to Westeros under the authority of Queen Daenerys, who finally helped them to cross the narrow sea. They showed unfailing loyalty to Dany. After Jon killed him in the throne room, it seems odd that we do not see any repercussions of this action and its consequences for the Horde. What we finally see is that Jon was captured and held prisoner by the Unsullied. He is alive, everything is fine – just a little more bearded. Jon would have better thanked the Lord of Light for this safeguard, because the Dothraki who lets him rot in a cell is definitely not a Dothraki.

Secondly, the whole Dothraki horde is now in Westeros. Should we believe that they are coming home? Their leader is so dead woman and they just let it be? What will they do now? Who will give them ships to leave Westeros? These guys are petrified by water!

Dothraki's problem leaves behind one of the most puzzling questions in the series. Even if that was a problem, it would have been easier to say goodbye to the horde at the hands of the king's army at night, in episode 3.

Daario Naharis

Daenerys Targaryen--daario-naharis

Daari-no more.


Do you remember old Daario Naharis? The mercenary Tyroshi who was once the counselor and the lover of Dany? At the end of season 6, as Dany prepares for his assault on Westeros, she leaves Daario in Mereen with a small army to defend the Bay of Dragons. This is the last time we hear about him, except for a casual mention of Season 7. Daario was a pretty noble and handy warrior with a blade, but his love for Dany inspired him to leave him to the east. – it would become too complicated. problem as she made a tilt on the throne.

The honeycomb and the jackass

One of the secrets of the series, the story of Tyrion on the contribution of a honeycomb and a fool in a brothel, is a legend in its own right. The joke was teased twice before the finale – when he is a prisoner in Eyrie, in Season 1, and at a scene in Season 6, where he shares wine with Gray Worm and Missandei.

At the last council meeting in the final minutes of the final, he takes up the story again and, for an ephemeral moment, it seems like we are about to finally hear how the story ends. Then the camera cuts. Boo.

Bran the Bro

There are a ton of questions about our new king, but keep it simple: what is Bran's goal in this world?

Bran takes over as a three-eyed crow and, according to Samwell, becomes the memory of the world. He stores all the stories of the kingdom and all the stories in his brain. He can also "fight", take control of other living beings, but his eyes are veiled and he becomes useless. Bran the Broken has repeatedly said that it was no longer Brandon Stark. But this power opens up even bigger and more frightening questions.

Could he see all the death and destruction that Dany was going to rain on the inhabitants of King & s Landing? If he did, is not he a little accomplice to this genocide? It's accessory to murder! Bran has seen war crimes and just let them go unpunished. Do not tell me the story of sobs "he can not change things that will happen" either. He turned the second favorite CNET character, Hodor, into the man he eventually became.

Bran 's powers also seem, in a way, to suggest that no one has free will. It's better not to think about it.


Thinking of all these war crimes, I forgot to stop.


Birds of Varys

Although some of the most powerful lords and ladies of Westeros make the decision to sit in Bran in the new seat of power, it is not clear right away if this is the will of the entire continent and all its homes. If varies made recover crows (we are convinced, but before), before being dracized, the word of the filiation of Jon will have now filtered in all the kingdoms.

There will surely be some who will not want an all-powerful god-man who can literally control the human body with his magic as an all-powerful ruler. They have already seen this kind of thing go wrong.

No iron throne, but an iron bank

game-of-thrones-season-8-episode-6-iron throne flame

The throne is gone.


The Iron Bank Braavos was introduced early in the history of Thrones, but it is only in season 4 that it makes sense. The bank is famous for collecting debts and works with both Stannis and Davos and possibly Cersei. In season 7, the bank sends Tycho Nestoris to collect the debts the Lannisters owe.

The need to repay the bank prompted Jaime and Bronn to travel to Highgarden and search the area. They trade their riches to King's Landing before Dany's forces attack him during the famous battle of LOOT TRAIN. Before the battle, we see Tycho for the last time, chatting with Cersei in Maegor's Holdfast. Cersei explains to him that Qyburn has requested the services of the Golden Company to help him win the war and that he is delighted.

"Be assured, your Grace," he says. "You can count on the support of the Iron Bank as soon as the arrival of gold."

We are therefore inclined to believe that Cersei needed more assistance from the Iron Bank to hire the (useless) Golden Company and the dashing Harry Strickland before being crumpled with bricks. Did she repay the bank? With what money? We know that there is not much gold left for the king because the last little council meeting during the final is between Davos and Bronn. Will the iron bank collect its debt from Tyrion, the last Lannister – or will it lead another uprising against the broken king?

The white horse of Arya


Parcel horse.

Helen Sloan / HBO

Two words: glue factory. Wait, no, I mean: plot.

After finding a white horse at the end of the penultimate episode, Arya gallops out of King's Landing then … we see her watching Jon remotely in King's Landing at the next episode? I guess it's a pretense that will seem more absurd if you ever decide to look excessively last season. It's easy to say that it does not matter (well, that's not the case), but if you're wondering what happened to Shadowfax, you'll have to continue to request.

The prince / princess who was promised?

Do not even ask beginning think of this prophecy. It will only end in misery. While you are there, you should also forget about all questions concerning the king of the night or the lord of the light.

Essentially, prophecy was an important part of the book series, but it never truly took its place in the television show. Whether the series has tried to avoid the fantastic elements or because the writers have simply forgotten, it's really an open question right now. The promised prequel, however, may reveal some of the secrets of the last season – especially the genesis of the king of the night and his army.

Theory of the flat earth

If the theory of planetary formation is true for Westeros, the world in which they live should be round. If you continue to sail west, you will end up in Westeros. The Arya trip could be remarkably short, depending on the size of the world. In a kingdom where dragons – gigantic flying beasts wander where they want – and power-hungry tyrants, is not it a little strange that no one has ventured into the West?

Even during the real-world exploration days, people were navigating the unknown almost as soon as we could navigate. According to the books, the sea at sunset is particularly dangerous, but … uh … dragons?

This could mean that the world of Game of Thrones is completely flat and exists on the backs of four elephants, themselves posed on the back of a giant tortoise. I wonder what Kyrie Irving thinks.

Updated May 21st at 1:00 am: Additional question


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