Game of Thrones finale: Emilia Clarke talks about the end of Daenerys


Warning: the Game of Thrones finale will spoil us.

Game of Thrones has ended its surveillance, but we are still in shock the day after the final of the series.

One of the coolest shots of the episode.


The episode, called the iron throne, aired Sunday on HBO. This evoked the sound of The Lord of the Rings (George RR Martin is a big fan after all), while Arya and Jon embark on new adventures, even though they keep their trademark, including the murder of Daenerys Targaryen, of Emilia Clarke, at the hands of Jon Snow.

Clarke explained in detail to Entertainment Weekly the period that preceded the end of his character and why it makes sense. The feeling of the Internet with regard to Dany's progress has been shared, many recognizing the advance of his descent into madness, but lamenting how fast that has happened in the last season.

Jon Snow is partly to blame

In the perspective of Annihilation of King's Landing by Danyshe suffers from the death of her best friend, the death of one of her dragoons, the treachery of Varys and her general isolation from the northerners. More importantly, his love for Jon Snow is tarnished both by the fact that he has become his nephew and as such, he claims more the iron throne.


Jon rejects Dany's affections.

Helen Sloan / HBO

Clarke detailed the changes in Dany's mentality during this period of emotional and mental healing.

"It really starts with the best of intentions," she said.

The coldness of the Starks towards Dany hits her hard after all she's gone through.

"There are so many things that she took in her duty to rectify in life, so much she saw and witnessed and went through and lost and suffered and hurt," Clarke said. "Suddenly, these people turn around and say," We do not accept you. "Http://"

And Dany could not get over it.

"She has already killed so many people," Clarke said. "I can not overthrow this ship."

In episode 5, Jon rejects a kiss from Dany. Without his love or the love of the people of Westeros, this leads his new state of mind to reign through fear.

"There's this boy, and she thinks:" He loves me and I think that's enough. " And that's enough? And it's just that hope and wish that there is finally a person who accepts it for all that it is and … it does not … the king does not do it, "Clarke said.


A few seconds before Missandei, Dany's best friend, died.


Losing Missandei

The death of Missandei, Dany's best friend, was one of the main factors in Dany's bow.

"There are several turning points you see for Daenerys in the season, but it's the biggest break," Clarke said.

Dany be killed by Jon Snow

In the big hall of the red dungeon, Dany finally has his moment to touch the iron throne. Shortly after, Jon Snow joins her and, after a tearful meeting, he decides to slip a dagger into his chest.

"Um, he does not like women, is not he?" Clarke said. "He continues to kill them."

Clarke explained to Jon's decision to follow Tyrion's wishes and kill Dany before she could attempt to "break the wheel" and release every person from Westeros and beyond the oppressors.

Drogon destroys the throne after seeing his mother is dead.


"No. If I had to put myself in his place, I'm not sure what he could have done in addition to … oh, I do not know, maybe have a discussion with me?" Clarke said.

Nevertheless, the death of Dany allowed to glimpse the most innocent Dany of the preceding seasons.

"Let's hope that what you will see at the last moment while she dies, is: There is vulnerability – there is the little girl you met in season 1."

Dany's actions were "logical"

As to whether Dany's actions make sense, Clarke is positive.

"I'm with Daenerys … I'm at his side, I can not not."

Head to EW to read the entire interview.


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