'Game of Thrones' Season 8: Analyze the symbol of the king at night


Spoil alert

For about 50 minutes, the first episode of season 8 of Game of thrones"Winterfell" was a typical table setting business. Many people arrived at Winterfell or King's Landing, and the conversations that exposed the motivations of each character formed the essence of this episode. We had a lot of meetings and Daenerys told everyone that she was meeting to bend the knee. The Thrones is back!

Then, the episode finally delivered the "splash" promised by director David Nutter in November 2018 when Tormund, Beric and Dolorous Edd arrive at the Last Hearth. And damn it, did they find a bomb? The group falls on this:


It's the body of Ned Umber, the technically lordly child of Umber, whom Jon forgave last season. Earlier in the episode, he had returned home to begin preparing for the war against the White Walkers, but the war had found him first.

"It's a message," says Beric. "From the king of the night."

The distinctive motive of these severed arms points to the truth in Beric's words. And when the little Ned wakes up a few seconds later, his eyes a pale blue, that confirms that it is the White Walkers who did it. Fortunately for the group of humans, Beric has a burning sword on hand:


If it's a message, what does the king of the night try to say? It is too early to say exactly what it means (and the answer may be nothing more than "We come for you"), but the symbols he used did not come out of nowhere. In fact, the White Walkers send a message to humans since the very beginning of the show. This is from three minutes in the entire series:


It's not really a spiral, but this opening scene – in which a handful of Night's Watch riders stumble upon at least one White Walker – also presents a dead child nailed to a tree:


The scene of the premiere of season 8 is clearly a reminder of the very first scene of the series. Between these two scenes, there are seven seasons, 68 episodes and many times when the White Walkers have tried to send "a message" to humans.

In season 3, when Jon, Mance Rayder and the Wildlings arrive in the fists of the first men, they find the aftermath of the White Walkers attack on Night Watch. There is no human dead in the fist, but there are dead and mutilated horses. Many of them. "Always the artists," says Mance before the camera zooms out to reveal a spiral pattern of horse carcasses:


I do not know if the king of the night saw The Godfatherbut he took the idea of ​​using a horse's head as a tactic of intimidation and turned it into 11 here. More importantly, Mance's words are more than just a trick. He managed to unite the Wildlings in part because of the threat posed by White Walker, which allowed him to get acquainted with them like all those we saw in the series. The way he says "always" in this scene indicates that this is not the first time that White Walkers leave such warnings.

So, why spirals? In season 6, we learn that spirals are not a creation of White Walkers. In fact, they can be an invention of the children of the forest. When Bran had his vision of creating the White Walkers in episode 5 of this season, the camera shows us a top view of the weirwood that the kids are gathered around:


And in season 7, when Jon is in the Dragonstone caves, we see more spirals left by the kids in the sculptures on the walls of the cave:


There are even symbols that resemble those that the White Walkers left in the first of the series:


David Benioff, one of the showrunners of The Thrones, confirmed that these symbols came from children on an "Inside the episode" segment after episode 5 of season 6. He even confirmed the link between children's symbols and those used by White Walkers:

"Some symbols and patterns are repeated throughout the show. The first time we saw this, it was in one of the very first scenes of the pilot, when Will the Ranger saw Wildling's body parts in a strange pattern displayed by the White Walkers. We will see him again north of the wall with the dead horses in a spiral pattern, then you will see him here again and learn from where these motifs come from, that they are ancient symbols of the children of the forest. used in their rituals, and the children of the forest created the White Walkers.

This brings us back to Beric's analysis that the king of the night wanted to leave "a message" to humans. Beric seems right, but he could not have known all the mythology that characterizes the symbols used by White Walkers. The fact that they still use the symbolism of the children of the forest shows that they can still have a connection with the children – or at least, that they remember how they were created . Maybe there are children left, they could explain the exact meaning of these symbols. And this could be the first step in understanding what White Walkers want.

Episode 1 of Season 8 brought us a message. Hopefully in episode 2, someone finds out how to decode it.

Disclosure: HBO is an initial investor in The ring.


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