Game of Thrones Season 8: Is Jon Snow ready to be king?



Who should sit on the iron throne? If you were to ask Samwell Tarly (John Bradley) after the Game of thrones First season, the answer is Jon Snow (Harington Kit).

It is likely that Brandon Stark / The three-eyed crow (Isaac Hempstead Wright) is also of this opinion insisting that Jon hears the news that he is Aegon Targaryen, the true-born son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, and heir to the Iron Throne.

Jon has certainly shown a propensity to lead in times of crisis and, having been relieved by others, he has managed to occupy top positions that he has accepted (thank you Sam and Lady Lyanna Mormont). It remains to be seen whether or not Jon wants to govern Westeros – or could do it, especially since King's Landing is full of misleading and intriguing characters. Since becoming Lord Commander Mormont (James CosmoReturning steward in season 1, Jon was hired for a main cause – the defeat of the king of the night and the army of the dead.

But if the living wins and Jon survives the fight, his true identity certainly creates a potential path to the iron throne.

As Samwell has all asked who should govern Westeros, after the premiere of Season 8, we review Jon's summary of the decision (we looked at Dany's rise to power earlier this week). But since Jon did not have an official title until season 5, it's worth looking at the times when Jon listened and learned, and where he stood up for others.


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