GameClub freezes in hell, will update 'Super Crate Box' on iOS – TouchArcade


We are huge fans of GameClub and not only because it is the latest initiative of our former colleague Eli, but also because we really believe in their willingness to bring back some of the premium premium App Store premiums lost . We are not the only ones to believe, however, because today, GameClub has revealed, exclusively via Venture Beat, having received $ 2.5 million in seed funding from a number of companies. investors. Apparently, others also care about preserving the history of mobile gaming! We are very excited to see a fledgling company such as GameClub obtain financial support in this way. What makes us even more happy is the announcement made in the ad announcement that Vlambeer's classic platform game Super cash register is now registered with GameClub and will be updated and brought back to life soon.

In case you do not know it, it is an infallible sign that hell is frozen. For years, Vlambeer has been promising an update of Super cash register but never happened. The game was launched on iOS in December 2011 and has been translated surprisingly well on the touch screen. We awarded 5 stars to our initial review and it quickly became personally one of my favorite games. Vlambeer also had a clever way to update the game, because there was a counter in the game that kept track of how many crates had been collected by all the players around the world and once certain thresholds were reached, they would publish a new update of the content.

The first update was to arrive when 5 million cases had been collected, but Vlambeer largely underestimated the popularity of the game on iOS and this brand was hit just days after its release. The first update was ready and published about a month after the launch of the game. For more security, she set the goal of the next update to 40 million euros to ensure and give herself enough time to prepare the second update. Well, they still underestimated because it did not take long to reach that 40 million mark. This second update came in April 2012, when the global counter of crates reached 100 million, more than twice the original goal, and this time, they have concocted an even safer way of doing it. Avoid that players achieve the cash goals by adding an extremely rare gold case to the game. So rare in fact that the collection goal was set at 100 gold cases.

Things were getting more and more interesting, because everyone was wondering how long it would take to collect 100 of these special cases, but unfortunately it did not matter because it was the last update of content published by Vlambeer for the game. A minor update released in December 2012 added some minor fixes and promised "new characters and new challenges," but this update never happened. They reassured everyone that it would happen in January 2015, then they promised it again "in the coming months" in August 2016, but this elusive update has not arrived yet With the update now in the hands of GameClub, I can really be sure that an update will eventually arrive for real, and although this may not include "a bunch of new characters and new challenges ", as has always been promised, I will be content with a version of Super cash register it just works on new versions of iOS and fits properly to new device screens. I mean, it's been several years, you see?

Once we have a word about when Super cash register We will warn you about GameClub's Early Access program, but if you want to participate in all the games they have already resurrected, you can register for free at this program on their website.


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