GameStop’s stock was on the rise again, until it was no more


GameStop (GME) stock soared in value on Wednesday, peaking at $ 348.50 per share. Then in an event that definitely no problem, a few minutes later it lost half of its value by dropping to $ 172, Bloomberg reports. Yes, the stonks are back, and GameStop is once again in the sights of amateur investors online.

Wednesday’s drama finally ended with a price drop back down to $ 265 per share, but it’s hard not to feel deja vu. It seems it was only yesterday that everyone was watching in a mixture of shock, fun and general concern as GME hit $ 483 per share. The rise and fall don’t quite compare, but the losses for anyone who sold during Wednesday’s price drop are likely huge.

The GME course valued from $ 17 in January to $ 260 and more in March. Note the spikes in the last two major price spikes.

Having something that you suddenly invested in that was suddenly 50% less worth may not feel good, but it really depends on when you originally bought and if you still own now: GME was worth $ 17 per share in January, but thanks to a gonzo investment, the the stock is now trading in the hundreds of dollars. It remains unprecedented.

As before, it’s unclear where it will go next, but I think it’s safe to say it’s not over yet.


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