Garmin does more for female athletes with new women's health monitoring


Garmin is following Fitbit's footsteps by adding new, women-focused tracking features to its companion Connect app.

Announced alongside the new Foreunner 45, Forerunner 245 and Forerunner 945 watches, the new menstrual cycle tracking feature will allow Garmin users to track their cycle, record their symptoms, receive predictions for fertile and fertile periods, and learn from the Garmin Connect app.

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Garmin says the new feature was developed by women and includes all types of cycle (regular cycle, irregular cycle, pre-menopausal and menopausal). Connect users will receive information based on the phase of their cycle with examples of information, including:

– "Once your period starts, you might find it easier to push yourself physically. In 2002, Paula Radcliffe broke Chicago's fastest marathon world record while battling menstrual cramps. "

– "Your body naturally needs large amounts of protein at this stage of your cycle. Lentils, seeds or lean meats are excellent options to keep you alive.

– "During the first 2 weeks of your cycle, your body is prepared for maximum strength, speed and power. This is the best time to focus on more demanding strength training. "

Garmin does more for female athletes with new women's health monitoring

Users will also be able to track daily physical and emotional symptoms and raise awareness of sleep fluctuations, mood, appetite and athletic performance. Additional features can be unlocked with Garmin devices compatible with the Garmin Connect IQ store, allowing users to get cycle tracking information and discreet period reminders.

Garmin Health Division is also sponsoring a research study at the University of Kansas Medical Center to examine how wearable devices and the data they produce can help with menstrual cycle monitoring and prediction. # 39; ovulation. It is therefore clearly possible that these features will become even more useful and more insightful in the future.

The menstrual cycle tracking function will work with the Forerunner 645 Music, vigoactive 3, vofoactive 3 Music and fenix 5 Plus watches. Garmin plans to add features to the Fenix ​​5 Series, Fenix ​​Chronos, Forerunner 935, Forerunner 945, Forerunner 645, Forerunner 245 and Forerunner 245 Music soon.

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