‘Gaslit’: Dan Stevens replaces Armie Hammer in Julia Roberts series


Downton abbey vet Dan Stevens is plugging a big hole Gaslit, signing to replace beleaguered actor Armie Hammer in Starz’s upcoming Julia Roberts-Sean Penn drama series.

Gaslit, who comes from Mr. Robot and Back home author Sam Esmail, is based on SlateWatergate-themed podcast Slow combustion. It is described as “a modern take on Watergate that focuses on the untold stories and forgotten characters of the scandal – from the awkward and opportunistic subordinates of Nixon, to deranged fanatics aiding and abetting their crimes, to the tragic whistleblowers who would eventually bring it all down. rotten. the company collapses. “

Stevens takes over from John Dean, the young White House lawyer, torn between his ambition and his fight over whether he can lie to protect the president. It marks Stevens’ most important TV gig since FX Legion completed in 2019.

Hammer, whose career has been rocked in recent months by a series of allegations of sexual misconduct and assault, left the project in January due to a scheduling conflict.

Roberts is set to play Martha Mitchell, “a great personality with an even bigger mouth,” who is “a socialite Arkansan celebrity and wife of loyal Nixon attorney general John Mitchell. Despite her party affiliation, she is the first person to publicly sound the alarm over Nixon’s involvement in Watergate, causing the presidency and her personal life to collapse. Penn will play the GA, who is “temperamental, rude and ruthless, but desperately in love with his famous outspoken wife”, and is “forced to choose between Martha and the president.”


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