GCHQ's Chief Addresses Risks Related to Huawei, 5G and Chinese Technology


However, telecom leaders said Monday at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona that the refusal to include Huawei in 5G deployments could be a mistake.

At a press conference, Nick Read, CEO of Vodafone, warned that the ban on the Chinese firm could be "extremely disruptive" and hurt competition in European supply chains.

Marc Allera, CEO of the British telecommunications company EE, later told CNBC that Huawei's exclusion of 5G networks could hinder innovation.

"If we were to consider replacing parts of our ecosystem of suppliers, it would mean spending time replacing similar kits, instead of innovating," he said.

At the same time, Nokia CEO Rajeev Suri told CNBC's Karen Tso that regulatory hurdles would cause Europe to lag behind the US and China in deploying technology. 5G.

The Superfast 5G mobile Internet is expected to revolutionize the digital economy by enabling the adoption of new technologies such as autonomous cars and the Internet of Things.


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