Gearbox Announces Homeworld 3 on PAX West Panel


Gearbox has announced Natal world 3, the long-awaited sequel to the classic series of real-time strategies. The announcement made at the company's PAX West panel comes on the eve of the franchise's 20th anniversary. Today's announcement includes a trailer of the game, which we have integrated above. The project will be funded at least in part by the platform Fig.

The real-time strategy suite is known for its three-dimensional space battles, including its huge ships launching enemies. In the first match, the players took control of Kushan, from the recently destroyed planet of Kharak, as they struggled to recover their original world from the Taiidan Empire.

Natal world was originally published by Sierra Entertainment and developed by Relic Entertainment. In 2013, Gearbox purchased the rights to the series from THQ and released remastered versions of the first two games in the series.

The last entry of the Homeworld series arrived in 2016 with the prequel Home World: Kharak Deserts. The game took place long before the destruction of Kharak and showed what life was like on the planet. This prequel was developed by Blackbird Interactive, a studio formed by some members of the original band Natal world team. Blackbird Interactive is also the team behind Home World 3.

The Fig campaign, which provides rewards-based support and the opportunity to invest in the game's success, is now online.


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