Gears 5 abandons the description of smoking after urging the Truth initiative


Gears 5 rootin-tootin COG soldiers brandishing a gun with a chainsaw and gun will no longer smoke when the game is launched later this year. The Coalition announced that its development team was working to remove all representations of smoking and smoking, following the invitation of Truth and the smoking rights group, Turner.

In fact, the cause and effect of this decision are rather noteworthy, as the Truth Initiative began this campaign by contacting Turner, who holds the exclusive right to broadcast Gears 5 sporting events through the ELeague sports division. According to Variety, Turner then worked with The Coalition and Microsoft to guarantee Gears 5 would be the first Armament of war game where the characters did not use cigars or cigarettes.

Turner Sports Sales Senior Vice President pointed out to Variety that, while it may seem hypocritical to maintain the intense violence of Gears while suppressing smoking, many researches show a correlation between representations of tobacco use in the media and smoking among youth (who are the target audience of Turner's eleague). The link between game violence and real world violence is a much more blurred correlation.

Armament of war The development veteran and studio head of The Coalition offered a particularly interesting perspective on what the Truth Initiative initiative meant for the Gears of War 5 team. "I've seen it first-hand. devastating impact of smoking. "

"It has always been important for me not to use smoking as a means of storytelling, which is why we deliberately chose to avoid putting forward or glorifying smoking in" Gears 5 "and in the universe Gears of War in the future. "


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