Gears 5 Campaign Review – IGN


A summary video "Previously on Gears" gives the kickoff to Gears 5. Besides the much-appreciated refresh, she quickly reminded me, "Oh yes, I love those characters." This time Here, JD, Kait and Del continue to try Fight the swarm of mutated locusts, but this new adventure stands out thanks to some clever gameplay enhancements and a heavy story of characters who place the future of the franchise on Gears 5's impressive campaign is conclusive proof that, at least for the moment, it's these hulks, not the Halo Spartan super-soldiers, that figure in the most influential first-half stories. Xbox's endearing role in Papa Marcus, and I'm so happy that he's here for Gears 5 as Kait tries to unravel the mystery of his past. Kait, with the actress Laura Bailey is the lead role in the lead role, it's actually Marcus who gets the best line of dialogue (you'll know it when you hear it). Long live the blessing of the raging rage of actor John DiMaggio. But Del, too, has a much more important role to play this time, and the developer, The Coalition, and the actor, Eugene Byrd, are doing a remarkable job in giving it life.

Gears 5 Review Screenshots

The performances of the actors are all vital for Gears 5 because this campaign is full of history. You will have a lot of free time between controllers to follow what is happening in this world of destroyed beauty. Gears 5 plunges into the depths not only of the main characters, but also of the history of war in the larger universe of Gears. We see them struggling to justify terrible acts in the face of even worse choices, and we have to ask ourselves if the end really justifies the means.

Gears 5 Jack of all trades

Gears' third-person action has slowly but surely moved from one entry to another, and in Gears 5, most of the novelty is flowing through Jack, your handy floating robot companion. He can now catch weapons on the battlefield for you and unlock safes, among other actions, and you'll gain new skills that he can use in combat, such as dazzling your enemies, you revive you and your allies when you are on the ground. , veil you, and more. The upgrade components are scattered throughout the world. You can decide to hyper-specialize in a few areas or have all the capabilities. I enjoyed the extra tactical layers that he offered and, even though I changed my selected Jack talent to suit the situation, I was especially grateful for the healing power of Stim in the last part from the countryside, which saved me from dying more than once.

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But Jack aside, boy, boy, is Gears's fight still nice? This is perhaps the only series where I am always happy to have the default weapon – the faithful Lancer – at my charge, at any time, just in case I have a chance to saw at the chain a nasty in two. The Overkill rifle returns from Gears of War 4 and has a powerful punch, while classics like the sniper rifle, Boomshot and Mulcher are still there to chew your enemies in small pieces of flesh. New weapons, such as the claw, manage to feel unique, but also well adapted; Gears 5 does a great job balancing old toys with new ones.

Another novelty: the open structure of Gears 5, consisting of two central acts. You will ski in this area on your wind skiff, free to reach optional secondary goals whose duration and challenge vary. Usually, your reward is Jack's upgrades, so they're worth doing. It's a good change of pace for Gears, as was the case for God of War last year – who can say if it was by intent or coincidence, but the fact that the first of these stretches is in a frozen tundra only makes it more difficult to ignore the similarity). Multiple boss battles also help Gears 5 to feel fresh.

Waiting for Kait

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Although the Gears 5 campaign has a lot of meat, reaching about 10-12 hours, it ends rather abruptly. This may be because it is the first main line of Gears that does not follow a linear five-act structure, but mainly because it does not offer any game resolution after answering Kait's questions about from his past. No, it's a good starting point for the inevitable Gears 6. I can not help but compare it to the end of Halo 2, even if the cut is not so blatant here.

Meanwhile, the graphics of Gears 5 may no longer be a centerpiece unmatched in the rest of the game, but that does not mean they are not pretty. For starters, the jump to 4K and 60 fps for the campaign on Xbox One X is really nice, except for a few minor issues here and there. And the use of atmospheric lighting – both in the world and on the armor of our heroes – once again gives Gears a unique and beautiful visual signature.


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