Gears 5 eliminates references to tobacco after being approached by the organization Anti-Tobacco – Game Rant


Past Armament of war sometimes featuring characters smoking cigarettes and cigars, but that changes for years to come. Gears 5. The anti-smoking organization Truth Initiative has contacted Turner, who is organizing the ELeague Gears summer series by invitation and has published the rights to Gears 5, on removing smoking references from the game. Turner then collaborated with The Coalition to remove all references to smoking Gears 5, which is apparently something that has been preparing for months.

While some Armament of war Fans can take this for a form of censorship, it seems that Rod Fergusson of The Coalition is in favor of the decision. "I've seen the devastating effects of smoking myself," he told Variety. "It has always been important for me not to use smoking as a means of storytelling. That's why we made the conscious choice to avoid highlighting or glorifying smoking at home. Gears 5 and throughout the Armament of war Microsoft apparently did not participate in the decision as the Coalition made the final decision to quit. Gears 5 himself.

One of the reasons the Coalition agreed to suppress smoking Gears 5 is due to research that shows a correlation between seeing tobacco in entertainment and actually using tobacco in real life. Even if Gears 5 will be ranked M, the game is undoubtedly played by children and adolescents. So we hope that removing images from smoking will prevent some young people from adopting this habit themselves.

gears 5 removes smoking references

It should also be emphasized that the elimination of smoking Gears 5 will have no real impact on the gameplay. Cigarettes and cigarettes have never played a role outside cinematics, unlike games like Metal Gear Solid who actually used smoking as a gameplay mechanic.

A decision like this is unlikely to have a negative impact on Gears 5'Sale or reception. It is safe to say that no one plays games to see the characters smoking; Gears 5 the fans will look for the new title to see the next chapter of the Armament of war the ongoing story of the franchise, as well as playing the latest version of its famous multiplayer mode.

As it turns out, Gears 5 fans will have the chance to try the multiplayer mode sooner. The first Gears 5 The multiplayer technical test starts on July 19th and is available for Xbox Game Pass and Game Pass Ultimate subscribers, as well as for those who pre-order the game.

Gears 5 will be launched on September 10 for PC and Xbox One.

Source: Variety


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