Gears 5 Final Report – IGN


Gears 5

managed to surprise me pleasantly, both by its gameplay and its history. For a series of six entries in total, it's impressive. The Coalition was successful in taking the time to develop its trio of young heroes beyond the foundations established in Gears of War 4 and having the courage to change the course of the series as I did not expect it. And even if he does not try to repair what is not broken with the rock-solid cover-based shooter, he increases it in an interesting way and experiments with an open-world structure. Fads that range from old faithful faithful to bold and spicy new modes of cooperative and competitive game, and what is presented is a great package that is among the best action games of the year.

IGN Gears of War review of all time

We thoroughly examined the single and multiplayer modes. First, here's what we said about the campaign:
Gears' third-person action has slowly but surely moved from one entry to another, and in Gears 5, most of the novelty is flowing through Jack, your handy floating robot companion. He can now catch weapons on the battlefield for you and unlock safes, among other actions, and you'll gain new skills that he can use in combat, such as dazzling your enemies, you revive you and your allies when you are on the ground. , veil you, and more. The upgrade components are scattered throughout the world. You can decide to hyper-specialize in a few areas or have all the capabilities. I enjoyed the extra tactical layers that he offered and, although I varied my Jack talent selected according to the situation, I was particularly grateful for the healing power of Stim in the last part of the campaign, which avoided me dying more than once.

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Here is more information about Campaign in my campaign review (or watch the video version above).

[And] boy, boy, does Gears fight always feel good? This is perhaps the only series where I am always happy to have the default weapon – the faithful Lancer – at my charge, at any time, just in case I have a chance to saw at the chain a nasty in two. The Overkill rifle comes back from Gears of War 4 and has a powerful punch, while classics like Longshot, Boomshot and Mulcher are always ready to chew your enemies in small pieces of flesh. New weapons, such as the claw, manage to feel unique, but also well adapted; Gears 5 does a great job balancing old toys with new ones.

Another novelty: the open structure of Gears 5, consisting of two central acts. You will ski in this area on your wind skiff, free to reach optional secondary goals whose duration and challenge vary. Usually, your reward is Jack's upgrades, so they're worth doing. It's a good change of pace for Gears, as was the case for God of War last year – who can tell if it was by intent or coincidence, but the fact that the first of these sections is located in a frozen tundra it is more difficult to ignore the similarity). Multiple boss battles also help Gears 5 to feel fresh.

Gears 5 Review Screenshots

Campaign score: 8.8

Arcade is the extraordinary iteration of Versus by Gears 5. This new mode is a more casual and chaotic type of game that welcomes those who have the impression of being always the Gnashed, never the Gnasher, with open arms. Instead of starting everyone with the standard game Lancer / Gnasher, you have an arsenal based on your character, which can be changed at any time between deaths during the game. Do not expect to see high-quality weapons on the map with a timer; Instead, you buy special weapons and equipment, such as a Markza MK1 (or weapon of choice) or incendiary grenades with skulls, obtained by shooting and killing enemies. You are even rewarded with a skull if you die a lot, which can help avoid the feeling of being stuck in a stalemate. Your skull also persists, giving people who do not necessarily excite consecutive deaths the chance to purchase fun equipment. There is also a pressure group opposing bots to cooperation, so if you invite a new friend into Gears, you will also have the opportunity to learn to play a competitive role instead of just throwing it into the meat grinder.

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To learn more about multiplayer, check out Miranda Sanchez's multiplayer review (or watch the video version above).

The most exciting of [Horde] the characters, however, that is Jack. Your campaign robot companion is also a key support character in multiplayer and provides a lot of fun when you face your team against the waves of fodder. Instead of equipping his weapons, Jack has an integrated laser that he can use to knock out and knock out his enemies, as well as a repair tool that can heal his allies and rebuild his fortifications. Best of all, his ultimate ability allows him to take control of an enemy unit for a limited time – which is enough to make cool things like taking control of a bastion and doing it s & rsquo; Self-destruct in the middle of a Swarm band. At first glance, he seems to be the character you are assigning to a less experienced player, which is not a bad idea because he can sit back and give a hand without taking as many direct shots. But in the hands of an experienced player, it can be used to implement truly awesome strategies, especially since it automatically becomes invisible after being left alone for a while. I would use his increased mobility to face tough enemies and collect important weapons for my teammates.

Multiplayer Score: 9.0

In multiplayer, the Gears 5 progress system is vast, confusing and designed to turn us all into passers-by, each striving to continually attempt to bring together what is ultimately a collection of rather disappointing rewards. Fortunately, microtransactions hardly affect it

There is a store in the game that allows you to buy skins, markers, blood sprays, emotes and other cosmetic personalization features with a premium currency called Iron. 100 Iron equals about a dollar, and the price of a skin of scarcity level "Epic" is about 1000 Iron. So, if you are looking to buy something important, you are planning to lose at least $ 10. It's not cheap, but not essential.

The only things you can buy that even slightly affect the game are experience upgrades that last a day, seven days or 30 days, for 250, 600 and 1,200 Iron, respectively. I do not understand why you'd never want to, because in the Gears 5 upgrade system, the upgrade is largely meaningless. Even the rewards for "Reupping", or reach the maximum level then bring your level back to 1 in order to start all over again, which represents little more than a new stream of blood. So you can spend money to do it faster.

Everything else in Gears 5 can not be bought and must be earned by playing with the Tour of Duty, which is essentially the Gears 5 version of a Battle Pass (except it's free). Each day, three circuit objectives are to be completed, each offering a certain number of stars. The goals themselves are often not taunted, such as killing 90 elite drones, but are still accessible within hours of play. You then have the opportunity to trade a difficult goal against a random goal. do this plus the cost of iron is expensive. The progression is satisfactory, but only for a little while: you only meet three challenges a day. If you want to take a day and simply browse for stars, you can not.

Once you collect enough stars to climb the ladder, you collect the reward of that rank and move on to the next, in typical battle mode. Unfortunately, the rewards are, to say the least, disappointing. For the first eight rows, you only get lame banners, sheaves of blood, a greeting emote, and finally, when you reach the rank of sergeant III, you get your first skin: Fahz wearing his armor desert during the campaign. It's not even a new skin! It is simply a recycled skin from the countryside, which could fit perfectly if it was available from the start.

This is valid for all the rewards of this first Tour of Duty. There are a multitude of banners and blood sprays (some of them are better than the ones you start with), basic emotes, recycled campaign skins, some new performances that you can not preview, and some overall total of 500 Iron – not even enough to buy just one skin at the store.

So, all together, the Gears 5 microtransaction system seems to be a bigger disaster than expected. The rewards of this first Tour of Duty do not match the absurd time that would be required to win them, and items that can only be purchased in the store do not feel special enough to earn an extra $ 10 per pop. on a game that already costs $ 60.


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