Genshin Impact 2.2 live broadcast and concert countdown, time and how to watch


Genshin Impact is gearing up for a pretty exciting event, and the community is very excited to hear what miHoYo has in store for fans.

If you’ve been playing the game for a while, you might know that September is pretty historic for the game. For those who are new to the game, it’s the game’s first anniversary and there are big plans for it. celebrate.

While the developers initially announced a number of awards, the community was not very happy with them because it was much less. Ultimately, miHoYo dramatically increased the rewards. In fact, one of the rewards that were given away for free was supposed to be part of a paid package, but was then given away for free due to outrage.

  • FOLLOWING: Genshin Impact 2.3 Leaks: new Itto character, weapon image leak

All that aside, miHoYo will be hosting a live stream for the next update tomorrow, and this time there’s also a concert just to celebrate the game’s anniversary. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

Genshin Impact Concert 2021 | Teaser Melodies of an Endless Journey



Genshin Impact Concert 2021 | Teaser Melodies of an Endless Journey





When is the live broadcast 2.2?

The update 2.2 live stream will take place on October 3. We know for a fact that a new 4-star character, Thoma, will be arriving as part of the update. There is some ambiguity as to who the 5-star character will be, but a replay of Hu-Tao and Childe is highly likely according to the leaks. Here are the livestream schedules.

  • 8:00 a.m. EDT
  • 1:00 p.m. BST
  • 8:00 p.m. CST
  • 9:00 p.m. JST

When is the anniversary concert?

To celebrate the game’s first anniversary, the Melodies of an Endless Journey concert will take place right after the live broadcast. There will be some distinguished guests joining the event, so be sure to tune in! Here are the concert times.

  • 9:40 p.m. JST
  • 8:40 p.m. CST
  • 8:40 a.m. EDT
  • 1:40 p.m. BST

How to watch the event?

The event will be broadcast live on the game’s official Twitch channel. You can find the channel link here.

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