Genshin Impact is coming to PS5 this spring


Genshin impact

miHoYo to launch native PlayStation 5 version of free-to-play open-world action RPG Genshin impact this spring, the developer announced.

The PlayStation 5 version will offer better picture quality, performance and additional evolutions, including upgraded textures in every part of the game, support for 4K resolution and faster load times that will allow players to enjoy a more seamless experience when moving between gaming environments.

“The PlayStation 5 is an ideal platform to enhance the vast open world of Genshin impact, allowing the team to incorporate more thoughts and ideas into the game, now and in the future, ”miHoYo President Forrest Liu said in a press release. “That’s why we’re working hard to bring the native PlayStation 5 version of the game to our players as soon as possible.”

Genshin impact is now available for PlayStation 4, PC, iOS through the App Store and Android through Google Play. A Switch version is also planned.

Watch the trailer for the PlayStation 5 announcement below. View the new key artwork in the gallery.

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