Genshin Impact related phone numbers displayed with security checks


the Genshin impact associated phone numbers appear uncensored as part of security verification in some regions. Users of the in-game subdirectory began sharing concerns after learning that the verification process will censor emails, but not censor the full phone number linked to the account. It also turns out that this is a problem that has been a problem since at least October 20, 2020. [Thanks, TiltOnPlay and Skydtlee on Reddit!]

Here is how the problem arises. If someone were to, for example, forget their miHoYo account password and then go through the reset procedure, the security verification step would allow you to verify your account with an email or phone number. associated phone. With the email account, a number of asterisks will appear in the middle of the address to hide it. however, Genshin impact players who choose to ‘verify associated mobile number’ can see their full, uncensored phone number under a message that a message will be sent to that number.

Here is the TiltOnPlay image shared on the Genshin impact subreddit which showed an uncensored phone number provided when someone went through the verification process.

genshin impact phone number

In September 2020, players expressed concern Genshin Impact ‘s anti-cheating measures. The anti-cheat worked even if the game was not or had been uninstalled. miHoYo committed to fixing it at the time.

Genshin impact is available for PlayStation 4, PC, Android and Apple iOS devices. A Nintendo Switch version is in development.


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