Genshin Impact Sayu trailer shows off his wind wheel and Daruma


Despite his small size, Sayu de Genshin Impact can wow you with his Anemo skills and his claymore. In the company’s new character demo trailer, miHoYo shows us exactly how she can do it. He also posted more information about Sayu’s personality, details of his abilities and his voice actors on the Official Twitter and on Hoyolab.

Sayu is a lazy girl and it shows in her voice, even when she’s in the middle of a fight. Although the character trailer has a very catchy song in the background, Sayu still feels like she’s ten seconds away from falling asleep. Her Japanese voice actor is Aya Suzaki, who previously voiced Mako from Kill her kill her and Elphelt from Guilty equipment. Her English voice actor is Lily Ki, or “Lilypichu”, Who is a musician and voice actress, with roles such as Rin from Ghostbreaker: Omnia.

You can consult the Genshin Impact Sayu’s character trailer here:

Sayu’s skills orient him more towards support and healing. When you long press her elemental skill, she will advance at high speed, and anyone she crushes is hit with Anemo damage. She can also absorb elements she encounters and deal bonus damage of this elemental type. When she stops, she deals damage to Anemo in the nearby area. Of course, the more you use its Windwheel state, the longer its cooldown. For those who prefer her to stay in one spot, you can have her perform a whirlwind kick by briefly pressing the Skill button.

Sayu’s elemental burst summons a daruma that will deal Anemo damage to nearby enemies while healing party members. Daruma has two effects that will activate each tick depending on the situation around it. If the characters around him have more than 70% health, it will deal damage to Anemo. If a character around him has 70% or less HP, he will heal the active character with the lowest. This means that unlike Bennett or Diona who can heal multiple characters at the same time, Sayu can only heal one person per tick.

Genshin Impact is readily available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC and mobile devices. A Nintendo Switch version is in development. Sayu will be available on the Yoimiya banner, which launches in-game on August 10, 2021.


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