Genshin Impact Version 1.1 Brings Partial Hit Bindings, New Characters, Events, and Huge Elemental Reaction Damage


miHoYo admitted to being exaggerated with the new damage calculation formula for elemental environmental reactions in Genshin Impact Version 1.1.

On November 11, miHoYo released A New Star Approaches, update 1.1 of Genshin impact (PC, PS4, PS5, Mobile, soon on Switch). Several changes have been made to the game. An unexpected change concerns the formula for calculating damage from elemental reactions born through the environment. In version 1.1, the damage dealt by these elemental reactions is now scaled with the player’s world level. This was supposed to be the case since launch, but it’s not due to a bug. miHoYo has now fixed the bug.

In short, the higher your world level, the higher the elemental reaction damage, which makes it a much bigger threat than before. Especially if you’re lucky enough to have a five-star fire user like Diluc on your team. Right now, Diluc’s elemental attacks are deadly, for him, too, when used in a prairie. Burn damage is much higher than before.

While several players shared their dissatisfaction with miHoYo, the developers shortly after the update shared an in-game opinion on the issue. In the advisory, miHoYo admitted that the fix caused “more harm than good” and is in the process of devising further adjustments. With the change, miHoYo wanted to accentuate the effect of the environment on battles and push players to develop various combat strategies to match. It’s certainly a good idea on paper, but it’s too much of a stretch right now. Here is the instructions in full:

We will soon know what kinds of additional adjustments are coming. In the meantime, we still have all of the new content from version 1.1 to enjoy. Just be careful not to burn the grass.

Genshin impact Version 1.1 brought many changes to the game.

We have detailed everything already through our past coverage. One of the biggest additions is the city’s reputation system. By completing Bounties, Requests, Exploration Milestones, and Story Quests, you will earn Reputation EXP. This is notably used to unlock gadgets, the other big addition of version 1.1. Gadgets are all new useful items like Anemoculus and Geoculus Resonance Stone, Treasure Compass, etc. Each city has its own reputation system, one for Mondstadt, one for Liyue Port. However, players can only make a total of 3 bounties and 3 requests per week. miHoYo has detailed everything about the reputation system in the patch notes.

Another new addition is the partial keyboard shortcut options. Unfortunately, some actions still cannot be replaced by another button or key. However, miHoYo has already mentioned that other key binding options are in development. We just have to wait for it.

Version 1.1 also makes Childe (Tartaglia) playable, as he is the five star character featured on the new banner. The new four-star character Diona is also available with an increasing drop rate in the Childe banner. The Childe banner will last until December 1, 2020, 3:59:59 PM PST. Zhongli will be available via another banner to come later. Similar to what we did with Klee, we plan to release a guide featuring Childe soon, so stay tuned.

Version 1.1 also brings several new world quests, the first Childe Story quest, and a new major event, Unreconciled Stars, which will be held from November 16 to November 30, 2020, 03:59:59 (server time). The event will give us Fischl for free. A new event also gives Barbara free. If you’ve been playing since launch, that means you get Constellation 1 Barbara.

One more important thing to note is the huge bug fixes and patch notes released by miHoYo. Very annoying bugs have been fixed such as getting stuck under Stormterror’s neck when knocking down the dragon during boss fight. It’s nice to see that miHoYo is very transparent and meticulous in explaining every little bug fix or change. You can view the full list here.

We also explained how the Genshin impact The Japanese account was trolled thanks to its RT campaign.


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