Genshin’s Impact Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your Farming Artifacts


At first glance, MiHoYo’s Genshin Impact may seem like a classic RPG action game. However, as players progress through the game, they witness the multitude of features it offers. Artefacts are one of those distinguishing features of Genshin Impact. These artifacts increase the character’s stats.

By reaching adventure ranks high like 40, Artifacts become one of the most essential aspects of a player’s journey. Therefore, it is recommended to collect them and use them wisely.

YouTuber Gacha Gamer explained the three biggest mistakes gamers make in getting to the top:

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Understand the statistics of several artifacts in Genshin Impact

By cultivating artifacts, players may have the misconception that all artifacts are equal. Apparently, the Death Feather (ATK) and the Flower of Life (HP) still have the same primary stats.

On the other hand, Circlet of Logos (Crit), Goblet of Eonothem (DMG Bonus%), and Sand of Eon (Elemental) Artifacts have random primary stats. Also, these artifacts can have a special stat, and there is an equal chance that it is Elemental Mastery or Energy Recharge.

While Elemental Mastery is available in all three artifacts mentioned above, Energy Recharge can only be part of Sand of Eon.

Due to their rarity and significant value, players should always look for these stats in their artifacts and save them for the right opportunities. As a result, they can use these artifacts to improve their primary DPS.

Find the perfect balance between efficiency and resins

Going from Adventure Rank 40 to 45 is one of the hardest parts of Genshin Impact. Players expect maximum five-star artifacts in the process; however, Gacha Gamer suggests refraining from doing so.

After Adventure Rank 45, each Artifact Domain drops a Guaranteed Five Star Artifact. Therefore, one should prioritize Ley Lines and Ascension Materials and complete Artifact Domains only after reaching AR 45.

Simply put, save and use your Four Star Artifacts effectively before you waste time grinding up similar stats from Five Star Artifacts.

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