George Clooney conducts Ben Affleck in “The Tender Bar”


George’s Bender

Ben Affleck – the faux beau temp – on fellow “Batman” George Clooney. They just worked on something called “The Tender Bar” about a waterhole drama on Long Island. Affleck runs the bar. Distribute the whiskey wisely. Clooney is leading.

Affleck: “George gave me the absolute best performance ratings. He understands how acting comes with choices made to connect with a character’s emotional life.

Clooney: “Ben is a smart actor and a smart man. He was a little tired but now he has a little gravity. An actor different from that of 15 years ago when he could not have played this role. Now he’s right. As soon as we read the script, we thought of him.

It’s Amazon Studios. In theaters December 17.

Remember when?

Things You Didn’t Know: Warren Beatty was once a rat catcher. . . Ben Affleck was once in Middle Eastern Studies. . . Bruce Willis was formerly president of his school’s student council. . . Chris Walken, speaking of fame once: “If people didn’t recognize me, I would be depressed. If I walk down the street and nothing happens, I get sad. “… Once, during a shoot in Prague, Hilary Swank took her border collie, an African gray parrot, and her cat … Once, Eva Longoria on then NBA star Tony Parker: “When the lights are out, he’s the teacher and I’m the student” … Once, Sharon Stone on her nude scenes in “Basic Instinct 2” said, “Why tone it down? Let’s do it crazy. “

Sovereign of the royal portrait

Ralph Heimans. He painted the 9-by-11 diamond jubilee oil painting of Queen Elizabeth II in the coronation gown she has not worn since she was 27. It will forever be hung in Westminster Abbey. Now visiting the United States, he says, “I was terrified. Six months to complete it and only one hour sessions with her. She was involved in every decision – even which diamonds to choose and she consulted Prince Philip “on what dress to wear”.

“It was intense. I was a totally nervous wreck. I locked myself in the studio. Food under the door. I didn’t really like the pressure. Since you have to orient it on positioning, there are thousands of protocols. I was told to say, “Can I take control now, ma’am? Before making a directive. Apart from the queen’s chest of drawers, we were alone. The royal family does not comment, but the press reports that they are delighted with the portrait.

“The dress is 18 feet long and you need four jacks to wear it. They gave me time with her clothes separately. We worked in the Yellow Drawing Room at the end of a very long hallway from Buckingham Palace. The queen, encrusted with jewels, approached its other end. A theatrical entrance. Infantrymen wearing the robe. You practically heard trumpets playing. She got up but had to sit down for half because the dress is so heavy. Then they give you cucumber sandwiches and tea.

I hate to mention a royal flush, but do queens never need the toilet?

“No. They have that military mentality. The royal family is disciplined. It was precious time but an artist needs certain things so you just have to be brave enough to say do it… Do that. The silver hair is a characteristic element. Like a helmet it is so sculptural and structured. I used a 17th century technique and how the Old Masters constructed their canvases to create these effects. I worked from a dark background to create the lights.

A) The guy got paid. B) He is Australian but lives in London. C) He also painted Philippe and Charles.

Now here is this

Shani Grosz, who has dressed Deborah Norville, Wendy Williams, Bethenny Frankel, now dresses the covers of Chase Backer’s Metropolitan and Metropolitan Palm Beach magazines. . . Canaletto, an Eastern Italian restaurant from the 1960s, makes white pasta with shrimp. I’m just warning you.

Biden, reading his prepared script, says, “We need a man to meet Russia.” Listen, no problem. I know a thousand taxi drivers who will do just that.

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.


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