George Conway: Mueller's report must have "something serious enough" he can not exonerate Trump


George ConwayGeorge Thomas ConwayMORE, a lawyer married to a counselor of the White House Kellyanne ConwayKellyanne Elizabeth ConwayTrump plots after Mueller's recovery period Hillicon Valley – Presented by NCTA – Apple launches new video and press services | Latest news on Mueller fallout | Local officials struggling with voting technology | Nunes lawsuits on Twitter face daunting challenges Winners and losers of Mueller's initial findings, argued Tuesday that the special advocate Robert MuellerRobert Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud Mueller's choice to lead the investigation on RussiaThe report must contain "something serious enough" that he could not exonerate President TrumpDonald John TrumpPapadopoulos says that he has been under pressure to sign a plea agreement. Tlaib asks his colleagues to support the resolution of the impeachment investigation. Trump tears "The traditional media": "They are really the enemy of the people" on the question of the obstruction of justice.

Conway, a frequent critic of Trump who recently quarreled with the president on Twitter, wrote in a Washington Post editorial that it was "amazing" for Mueller to include a line in his report. stating that "as long as this report does not conclude that the president has committed a crime, this does not exempt him either."

"Mueller does not have to say that, as President Rudolph W. Giuliani's outside council said: called the statement Conway wrote: "A low blow". But Mueller is not inclined to low blows; he respects the rules at every step. If his report does not exonerate the president, he must contain something quite serious, even though it might not be enough to prove a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. "

Mueller's report has not been made public, but the Attorney General William BarrWilliam Pelham Barr Schiff relays calls for resignation: "I'm more used to attacks from my GOP colleagues" PLUS Sunday shared a summary of what he described as Mueller's "main findings", revealing that Mueller had found no evidence to establish that members or associates of the Trump campaign had conspired or co-ordinated with the Russian government for his ingest in the 2016 elections.

According to Barr, Mueller also "finally decided not to make a traditional judgment of the prosecutor" on whether Trump had tried to prevent the investigation itself, leaving the decision to justice.

Barr wrote that he and the Deputy Attorney General Rod RosensteinRod Jay RosensteinThe Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Presented by USMCA Coalition Pass – Barr-Mueller Conclusions Draw Democrats' Attention Democrats face dilemma after probe Mueller ended investigation Senate examines 2016 issues "swept under carpet" MORE determined that the evidence was "not sufficient" to establish that Trump hindered the investigation.

Conway argued that, based on the summary of the Department of Justice, Mueller had written his report in such a way as to allow "the American people and Congress to decide what to do with the facts".

"Americans should expect much more from a president than not to be a criminal," wrote Conway. "They should expect that a president behaves in accordance with the high duties of his office."

Conway Highlights Trump's Frequent Public Attacks on Mueller, Former Attorney General Jeff SessionsJefferson (Jeff) Beauregard SessionsPress: Should the media apologize to Donald Trump? After Mueller, Democrats must avoid the trap Javert. Mueller survey: a chronology from beginning to end. and other officials of the Department of Justice throughout the investigation of nearly two years.

"If the charge was an unsuitability, the verdict would already be pronounced: guilty beyond a reasonable doubt," concluded Conway.

Conway has become one of the most frequent criticisms of the president, despite his wife's high position in the Trump administration.

Trump responded to the lawyer earlier this month, sharing a tweet from his campaign manager, Brad Parscale, accusing Conway of being jealous of his wife and calling him "a total loser! "

Men continued trading beards on Twitter, Trump calling Conway the "hell husband " and one "rotten job " and Conway calling Trump "nuts. "

Kellyanne Conway stands by the president, claiming that her husband is not a health care professional and that he should not question his fitness.


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