Georgia GOP Governor Quarantined After COVID-19 Exposure


Georgia Gov. Brian kempBrian Kemp The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden to talk about infrastructure in the middle of the border, controversy vote on Sunday shows: Biden border issues and gun control dominate SNL’s Kamala Harris welcomes Ted Cruz for ‘Unity Seder’ ‘ MORE (R) is in quarantine after recent exposure to an individual who tested positive for COVID-19, his office confirmed on Monday.

“Following exposure to a COVID-19 positive individual during a storm damage tour in Newnan on Saturday, the governor is following CDC / DPH protocol and quarantine,” a spokesperson for his said. office in a statement posted to Twitter Monday afternoon.

“Our office was notified of the individual who tested positive today. The governor tested negative this morning on a rapid response antigen test and spoke to Dr Toomey, ”the spokesperson added, appearing to refer to Georgia Department of Public Health appointed commissioner Kathleen Toomey.

The news comes after Kemp received the single-dose Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine on Friday during a visit to Waycross, according to local media. The visit would have been a bigger effort to encourage residents to get vaccinated as well.

Earlier last week, Kemp announced he would expand access to the coronavirus vaccine to all Peach State residents over the age of 16 just days after getting rid of some capacity limits for bars and state nightclubs.

The move made Georgia one of many states to make similar announcements aimed at expanding vaccine eligibility in recent weeks.

Monday, President BidenJoe Biden The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden to talk about infrastructure in mid-border, voting controversies Juan Williams: GOP’s Big Voting Rights Lie Schumer goes into re-election mode MORE also announced that 90% of the country’s adults would soon be eligible for the vaccine by mid-April.

–Updated at 18:58


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