Georgia Senator Kelly Loeffler self-isolates after positive COVID-19 test


Senator Kelly Loeffler is in quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19 and then taking another test with inconclusive results, a campaign spokesperson said on Saturday.

Loeffler (R-Ga.) Passed two COVID-19 rapid tests on Friday morning and both came back negative. She was allowed to attend events that day, spokesman Stephen Lawson said in a statement.

Later that day, the senator was informed that the results of a PCR test had come back positive. She retested on Saturday and received inconclusive results, Lawson added.

“Senator Loeffler followed the CDC’s guidance in informing those with whom she had direct contact while awaiting the results of further testing,” he said.

Lawson said Loeffler had no symptoms and was self-isolating until she had positive results.

It’s unclear how his diagnosis will affect his campaign.

She is racing against Democrat Raphael Warnock in a heated second-round race – one of two races that could determine which party takes control of the Senate in January.


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