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What is Republican Senator from Missouri Josh Hawley doing?

Last week he announced that he formally object tomorrow in Congress to the official certification of the Electoral College vote confirming Joe bidenthe victory of Donald trump.

This equates to disturbance, delay and signal movement at the base as much as anything. And we don’t know what he’s really trying to do.

Josh Hawley on Capitol Hill.

Josh Hawley on Capitol Hill. Photograph: Liz Lynch / Getty Images

My colleague Martin Pengelly reported a few moments ago how Hawley dodged the question when asked if he was definitely involved in the attempt to overturn the November election result.

When asked if he is trying to “overturn the election” and keep Donald Trump in power, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley told Fox News: “It depends on what happens on Wednesday.”

This is when Congress will meet to count Joe Biden’s victory at Electoral College 306-232, which has been certified by all 50 states. The formal objections that must be raised by Hawley, a dozen other senators and more than 100 Republicans in the House will not reverse the outcome – as Trump and his supporters hope.

Democrats hold the House, securing defeat there, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other senior Republicans in that chamber also oppose the objections.

Speaking on Monday night, Hawley initially avoided questioning whether he was trying to overturn an election and thereby deprive millions of Americans of their rights, insisting he was against the management presidential elections in states like Pennsylvania.

“I just want to pin you down,” presenter Bret Baier finally said, “on what you’re trying to do. Are you trying to say that from January 20 [inauguration day] that President Trump will be president?

“Well,” Hawley said, “it depends on what happens on Wednesday. I mean, that’s why we have to debate.

Baier replied, “No, it’s not. The States, by the constitution, they certify the election, they have certified it by the constitution. Congress has no right to revoke the certification, at least as most experts read it. “

“Well,” said Hawley, “Congress is charged under the 12th Amendment with counting electoral votes, there is a law going back to the 1800s, 19th century that says there is a right to objection, there is a right to be heard, and there is also [the] certification right. “

Read the full story here.


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