1257 children voluntarily returned to Afghanistan


According to the federal government, 1,277 Afghan children and adolescents have returned home voluntarily over the past two years. 94 of them were not accompanied, so they traveled without parents or relatives, the Federal Ministry of the Interior having responded to a small request from the left party of the Bundestag. According to statistics for the period since 2016, 650 of these returnees were 12 years old or younger.

The numbers were down, as they say. In the first half of this year, only 36 children and adolescents returned to their home country under the REAG / GARP Return Assistance Program. According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the program also includes financial support or start-up badistance.

An advisory structure of the Afghanistan-based homeownership program, implemented by the International Organization for Migration, also provides local badistance to returning Afghans. These benefits include, for example, school and housing subsidies or psychosocial care to cope with trauma.

The request to the federal government was motivated by a report from the organization "Save the Children", published in October, explained the left fraction. Fifty-seven children and adolescents returning from Europe to Afghanistan were asked about the charity's report, and 39 claimed that they did not feel safe in their home country. ;origin.

According to Save the Children, only 16 young returnees reported going to school in Afghanistan. Ten were trying to recruit them for the armed struggle. Eight of the children never went to Afghanistan because they were born in Pakistan or Iran. Three-quarters of the miners plan to flee again. In its response to the minor application, the Federal Ministry of the Interior stated that it had read the "Save the Children" report. The results of the study would be included in the considerations for continuing the returnee program, he said. However, the study involved fewer than ten children and adolescents returned from Germany. According to the authors, the study was not representative.

The left mbadively criticizes the REAG / GARP return promotion program. "What is officially called voluntary return should in practice usually be a decision made in the face of a specific expulsion threat," said Ulla Jelpke, spokeswoman for the left-wing faction in the country, Spark newspapers.

Jelpke spoke of a "shocking record of children's regulatory hostility". Many of these miners grew up in Germany. "The so-called promotion of return does not favor their integration, but their trauma, and it favors the war dead of tomorrow," said Jelpke, calling for a safe residence prospect.

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