20 minutes – What the diet can do for men


If one simply does not want to hire offspring, couples often do not see any other choice than to try to become parents with medical help (see box ). But it is expensive, is not free of side effects and costs a lot of money.


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The money that could be saved – at least if the desire to have a baby dies of sperm. According to Spanish scientists, a handful of nuts a day improves the quality of sperm.

Walnuts for 14 weeks

For the study presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology at Albert Salas-Hueto of l '. University of Rovira i Virgili 119 men between 18 and 35 years old divided into two groups.

In addition to their normal diet, participants consumed 60 grams of almonds, hazelnuts or nuts for 14 weeks. The others continued to feed as before. All subjects had to submit a sperm sample at the beginning and end of the study period.

Improvements along the line

Evaluating these comparisons before and after showed how much consumption of a few nuts a day can cause. Thus, men who had eaten had significant improvements in the number (+16 percent), vitality (+5 percent), motility (+6 percent), and morphology of their sperm (+1 percent) .

In short, they had more spermatozoa that were better shaped, faster and moving

However, although the results are clear, researchers are wary of the prognosis for men with fertility problems. As all participants in the study were healthy and fertile, it was still unclear whether the daily ration of nuts could also help men with fertility problems. This should show further studies.


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