21st Century Fox's Takeover: Shareholders Lead the Way at Disney


  Mega-cover of 21st Century Fox: Shareholders Lead the Way to Disney

Disney wants to grow again

(Photo: gullah)

Shareholders of Disney and 21st Century Fox have taken over the mega-catch control by Mickey Mouse Group welcomes.

Shareholders of the Disney and 21st Century Fox press groups have paved the way for the acquisition of billions of dollars. By early 2019, Disney could absorb Rupert Murdoch's Fox empire for a total of $ 71 billion. Although the US Department of Justice has already paved the way, antitrust authorities, including those in Europe and China, still have to give their consent, writes Wall Street Journal . In any case, the shareholder meetings of the two companies in New York took place quickly and easily.

Disney and Fox had already agreed in December 2017 to take control of much of the Fox group – for about $ 52 billion, Only the Fox News news channel and the Largest sports channel want to keep Murdoch. In June, however, Comcast opened an auction and even wanted to pay $ 65 billion for Fox companies. As a result, Disney has significantly increased its offer and now pays $ 20 billion more than originally planned. Comcast had dropped in the face of price increases

It is not yet known how it will continue with the British pay-TV Sky, in which Fox holds 39% of the shares . Comcast and Fox currently offer 61% of the shares for others. Disney also wants control of the pay-TV provider, but in this part of the race, Comcast has not yet beaten.

Even without Sky, Disney would be the largest media company in the world, but still a gigantic company. With the Fox portfolio (including "The Simpsons"), the majority of Hulu, the control of Star Wars and Marvel Entertainment, the mega-corporation wants to offer including its own streaming service Netflix and Amazon Paroli.


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