23 identities and 500 videos of the Islamic State: an Islamist sentenced to two years in prison


Following instructions to commit a serious atrocity and falsification of documents, the unsuccessful asylum seeker Abderrahman D. (age 29) was sentenced to two years in prison without possibility of parole . This brings back the newspaper "Bild".

The Moroccan would be a member of the ISI terrorist militia. According to the report, he was handcuffed and tied up in the courtroom. He has 23 identities, once presented as a Libyan, French, Syrian, Moroccan or Algerian. He also varied his date of birth: he had given seven different birthdays to the authorities. "Whenever the police controlled me, I said something else," the newspaper "Bild" quoted the man

"Legal customer of suicide bombers"

The Islamists had found 500 ISIS images and 91 videos, would have owned the book "Rechtsleitende Kunde für Selbstmordattentäter" with instructions on bombings.

Judge Stefan Noback (62) had clearly excluded a conditional sentence: "The people on the right would not understand if I released a threat," quotes the newspaper "Bild".

On video: Germans also affected: IS gives Islamists advice on how to return home

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