39 degrees in the shadow – Germany is drying up! – Inner news


Berlin – Hot, warmer, warmer Germany

Tuesday at 2 pm Bernburg cracked Saxony-Anhalt the provisional annual record with 39.9 degrees. And low "July" should also provide a tropical climate in Germany in August, according to the German Meteorological Service. The super-summer ensures the heat alarm throughout Germany:

Nuclear power plants reduce their output

The Philippsburg Nuclear Power Plant (Ba.-Wü.) has reduced its performance of 10%. Reason: Additional heating of the Rhine by the introduced cooling water must be contained. The nuclear power plants Grohnde (Lower Saxony) and Brokdorf (Schleswig-Holstein) also reduced their production

► Pregnant women shouting

Due to several calls for the help of women, the police Aachen receives many emergency calls. Police discovered that the calls came from a delivery room in a hospital. Four women had children at the same time because of the heat with the window open.

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/sie- schrie-so-laut-im-kreisssaal-dbad-die-polizei-kam-ramona-35-mit-sohn-lenn-200872920-56496084 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0. picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" She screamed so loudly in the delivery room that the police came: Ramona (35 years old) with her son Lenn "data-zoom-title =" She screamed so loudly in the room Delivery room that the police came: Ramona (35) with his son Lenn

Photo: Seven, Pervin Inan-Serttas

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild. of / fotos / sie- howled-so-high in circular hall who-the-police-kam-35 ramona with-his-Lenn-200872920-56496084 / image / 2.bild.jpg «/>

She screamed so loudly in the delivery room that the police arrived: Ramona (35 years old) with her son Lenn Photo: Seven, Pervin Inan-Serttas

► Thermal Protection of Dogs

the police of the city of Vienna now something on their feet. So they do not burn the bullets on hot asphalt as their handlers put their protective boots on them.

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0LGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/tierischeanordnung-derpolizei-wiendiensthundetragen-jetztschuhe-damitsie-sich-die-pfotennich-200872921-56496090/2,w = 1280, c = 0. bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Vienna Police Animal Order: service dogs wear shoes so as not to get burned "data-zoom-title =" Vienna Police Animal Order: service dogs wear shoes they do not burn their paws

Photo: APA / LPD WIEN / dpa

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/tierischeanordnung-derpolizei- wiendiensthundetragen-jetztschuhe-damitsie- at the pfotennich-200872921-56496090 / image / 2.bild.jpg «/>

Vienna police animal: service dogs now wear shoes so as not to burn their feet
Photo: APA / LPD VIENNA / dpa

► More deaths in the bath

According to the DLRG In 2018 already 279 people drowned, 37 more than at the same time last year. In the last 48 hours, there have been four deaths during swimming accidents. In Hamburg, an Alster man went, the divers could not save him for the moment. In Lake Altwarmbüchener near Hanover (Lower Saxony) drowned an elder (79). Also in Riedering (Bavaria), Barnim (Brandenburg) and Trier (Rhineland-Palatinate) in the Moselle, there were three deaths (68, 70, 19).

► Death of Fish

Collect more than six tons of dead fish at a lock. Animals die because the water contains less oxygen because of the heat. The carcbades landed in a waste incinerator. Probably because of the heat, a swan collapsed on the outer Alster. Firefighters fired from the water, survived the bird.

<img clbad = "photo zoomable ondemand" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https: // images .bild.de / scale-Photos / before – exhaustion-possible-the-swan-head-hang-the-bird is collapsed, probably for-heat-a-200,872,922 to 56,496,094 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0. picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" The swan's head is hanging on exhaustion: The bird has probably collapsed because of the Alster Alster's heat of Hamburg, Swan's father, Olaf Nieß, took care of him.title = "The head of the swan is hanging on exhaustion: The bird has probably collapsed because of the heat on Hamburg Outer Alster Swan father Olaf Nieß took care of him

Photo: Thomas Knoop

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/vor-erschoepfung-laesst-der -schwan-den-kopf-haengen-der-vogel-kollabierte-vermutlich-wegen-der-hitz e-a-200872922-56496094 / Bild / 2 .bi ld.jpg «/>

The swan's head is hanging on exhaustion: The bird has probably collapsed because of the heat of the Alster Alster of Hamburg. Father Swan Olaf Nieß takes over Photo: Thomas Knoop

► Car batteries lose weight

Batteries are not only discharged in winter but also during summer temperatures. ADAC spokesman Tobias Scheffel at BILD: "The batteries can withstand up to 80 degrees. Current temperatures can however reach 100 degrees in the engine compartment. "His advice: park in the shade or cover the hood

► Dried Elbe

The water level of the Elbe in Dresden is now less than 47 centimeters. It's no longer measurable! According to Dürremonitor of the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, the eastern and central regions of Germany are affected by an "extraordinary drought". / yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/yesterday-faehrt-nichts-mehr-bei-ronney-sachsen-anhalt-sinkt-der-wbaderpegel-der-elbe-die- faehre-hat-des-200872923-56496106 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0. picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Nothing works anymore here: in Ronney (Saxony-Anhalt) the level of the 39, the water of the Elbe flows. The ferry has therefore stopped working for the moment "data-zoom-title =" More nothing turns more: The water level of the Elbe drops to Ronney (Saxony-Anhalt)

Photo: ZB

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/yesterday-faehrt-nichts-mehr-bei-ronney-sachsen-anhalt-sinkt-der-wbaderpegel-der -elbe-die-faehre -Est-of-200872923-56 496106 / image / 2.bild.jpg «/>

Nothing works anymore here: in Ronney (Saxony-Anhalt), the water level of the Elbe flows. The ferry has therefore stopped working for the moment Photo: ZB

► Young people collapse

Due to a faulty air conditioning system in a coach, eleven children (11- 12) must go to the hospital. The bus stopped in a service area on the A 1 in Wildeshausen (Lower Saxony), 60 rescuers arrived. Children could be released from the clinic at night. The group had returned from Heidepark Soltau to its tent camp during the incident

► Harvesting at an early age

The vine growers of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate harvest particularly early. The Federweißer could already be ready in early August, according to the German Wine Institute. For this, the Solaris, Ortega, Bacchus, Huxel and Müller-Thurgau varieties are transformed

  Drought in Germany | Computer Graphics

► Danger for Trees

The German Forestry Council fears that about 500 million trees are dying because of heat and drought. The danger of wildfire is also still very high. Even funeral candles are forbidden in Nuremberg cemeteries.

<img clbad = "photo zoomable ondemand" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https: // images .bild.de / photos-set to # 39, scale / in-Bochum-jump to the police with water cannon a and poured to trees a walk 200872931-56496182 / 2, w = 1280 c = 0. picture.jpg "width = "1280" alt = "In Bochum, the police jump with water cannons and pour the trees on an avenue" data-zoom-title = "In Bochum the police jump with water cannons and pour the trees on an avenue

photo: REUTERS

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/in-bochum-springt-die-polizei-mit-wbaderwerfern-ein-und- for-the- baeume-of-a-allee-200872931-56496182 / image / 2.bild.jpg «/>

In Bochum, the police jump with water cannons and pour the trees on an avenue Photo: REUTERS

At least today, there should be water for them plants and animals.

  1. Kiel 's ministry continues to be reluctant to help farmers

    Kiel' s agriculture ministry still riddled with wartime turmoil against possible drought aid for farmers. After the federal and state talks in Berlin, Secretary of State Anke Erdmann said Tuesday that the situation of companies would be continued "before the payment of financial badistance can be promised". She referred to a national framework directive: Under this law, aid could be paid in adverse weather conditions if the decline in production exceeds 30 percent. Tuesday in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has provided unrestrained joy in swimmers, but work in offices and factory buildings, but sometimes be tormented. In Lübz (Ludwigslust-Parchim district), Kirchdorf sur Poel and Ribnitz-Damgarten, values ​​between 36.5 and 36.7 degrees Celsius were measured in the afternoon. So, Tuesday was the hottest day up here this sunny summer in the north-east, said Uwe Ulbrich in the weather Hiddensee the Cumulus Media GmbH. The bathing beaches of the Baltic Sea and inland waters were again strongly besieged

    The maximum temperatures of the day were only determined late in the evening. The previous absolute top of the country was not in danger, Ulbrich said. According to him, on August 9, 1992, 38.7 degrees were measured at Teterow (Rostock district)

    <img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/eiscreme_200872048_mbqf-1533018409-56484872/1,w1280,c=0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" "data -zoom -title = "

    Photo: Wolfgang Kumm / dpa

    " data-zoom-src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/eiscreme_200872048_mbqf-1533018409-56484872/Bild/1.bild .jpg" />

    Photo: Wolfgang Kumm / dpa

  2. The water level drops: no more steamboat on the Elbe in Dresden

    Water from the Elbe in Dresden fell below 47 more measurable. The Saxon Steamship GmbH had to stop all trips. "At noon, we could still drive in town," said a spokesman for the company. The situation is checked every hour, even local thunderstorms in the catchment area of ​​the river could quickly lead to more water. For Thursday, there is a corresponding prediction of the Czech Republic. Dams and waterfalls have regularly triggered fluctuations in the Saxon levels.

    On Monday, for example, more water had been drained from the Vltava reservoirs for water level work at Usti nad Labem (Aussig). Risky 87 centimeters. Due to the low water level, the Elbdampfer operates for only limited weeks, the inland navigation on the river is regulated. Two meters are normal in Dresden.

    <img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / base; gp; /photos-scale/sightseeingboatssitattheelberiverindresden_200872325_mbqf-1533053000-56494250/1,w1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width = "1280 "alt =" "data-zoom-title ="

    Photo: STAFF / Reuters

    "data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/sightseeingboatssitattheelberiverindresden_200872325_mbqf-1533053000-56494250/Bild /1.bild.jpg "/>

    Photo: STAFF / Reuters

  3. Less dryness in Thuringia than in other countries

    Thuringia is less inclined than other Länder to threaten crops due to Agriculture Minister Birgit Keller (left) sustained drought affected. More critical is the situation, especially in the Northeast and Saxony-Anhalt, Keller told the German Press Agency on Tuesday. However, the situation in the country varies a lot from one region to the other. Ministry staff, agricultural boards and the Regional Institute for Agriculture now need to get concrete data on businesses to spot crop failures and animal losses.

  4. Less drought in Thuringia than in other countries

    Thuringia is less affected than other federal states by threatening poor harvests due to persistent drought, According to Birgit Keller (left), more critical is the situation, especially in the Northeast and Saxony-Anhalt, Keller told the German Press Agency on Tuesday. However, the situation in the country varies a lot from one region to the other. Ministry staff, agricultural boards and the Regional Institute for Agriculture now need to get concrete data on businesses to spot crop failures and animal losses. He will start working on Wednesday

  5. Work on the A20 under the blazing sun

    On Tuesday, a kind of small closing ceremony was held on the site of the old junction d & # 39; Highway on the A20 near Tribsees. The 100th out of a total of 305 drilled piles was driven into the ground. A little under 30 meters, the batteries are long and 1.20 meters thick. In the future, the temporary bridge of 50 million euros, expensive and 800 meters long, will be on them, on which traffic will start from the end of autumn. Transport Minister Christian Pegel (SPD) was convinced that the current schedule could be respected.

    The yard was the first stop of his summer tour, which will take him in the coming days to other scenes of his responsibilities. "What's important to me is direct contact with local people," he had already explained. He then meets mainly construction workers, who perform their duties under a hot sun.

    The weather is rather favorable to the workers as the head of the construction project, the head of the highway department of the National Road Construction Bureau, Ronald Normann. A rainy summer as in 2017 would complicate the work considerably, the site would be littered with mud pots. In addition, most workers in the air-conditioned construction equipment. "There is hardly anyone on the outside." In any case, no one is already angry.

    <img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/bauarbeitenfuera20- behelfsbruecke_200872735_mbqf-1533052191-56493956 / 1, w1280, c = 0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" "data-zoom-title ="

    picture: Frank Hormann / dpa

    "zoom-data -src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/bauarbeitenfuera20-behelfsbruecke_200872735_mbqf-1533052191-56493956/Bild/1 .bild.jpg" />

    Photo: Frank Hormann / dpa

  6. Pools full of bustle and police in Bad Berlin

    Due to the high number of visitors, the Berliner Bäderbetriebe has temporarily suspended the Access to several pools. As a result, this comes in part to longer waiting times at the entrance, said a spokesman on Tuesday. The baths Humboldthain, Pankow and Stadtbad Schöneberg are affected by the stops of admission. The latter is not an outdoor pool – but also there, the capacity was exhausted, he says.

    In front of the Bad Pankower was also the police in use, as there was agitation and annoyance as a spokeswoman for the police said. For the number of officials and those who were waiting, there was initially no information.

    Even before the bathing boat on the Spree forms long beats. On a sign before it's reading that waiting time stands at 120 minutes.

    The stops of entry are necessary, because the swimming pool technology with a large number of visitors to the limit of capacity works – only with the stop one can guarantee the quality of the l & # 39; 39 water companies baths. For the days to come, bathers have also been called to visit the early baths.

    <img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert /schwimmbadmainzerschwimmverein_200872733_mbqf-1533052090-56493946/1,w1280,c=0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" "data-zoom-title ="

    Photo: Andreas Arnold / dpa

    "data- zoom-src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/schwimmbadmainzerschwimmverein_200872733_mbqf-1533052090-56493946/Bild/1.bild.jpg" />

    Photo: Andreas Arnold / dpa

  7. The concentration of ozone in the air raises dangerously

    At high temperatures, the concentration of Ozone at Filderstadt near Stuttgart on Tuesday has risen dangerously. The State Institute for the Environment of Baden-Württemberg (Karlsruhe) issued a warning on ozone. If the EU defined threshold of 180 micrograms (millionth of a gram) of ozone per cubic meter of air is reached, the public must be informed. It is then advisable to avoid persevering physical efforts on the outside. If the concentration exceeds 240 micrograms, the car should stop. At Filderstadt-Bernhausen, up to 188 micrograms were measured on the last day of July

  8. New forecast: It remains very hot!

  9. Germany ruminum

      drought Germany | Klöckner insists on possible emergency badistance to drought on crop balancing </span><br />
<p>  Federal Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner (photo), despite stronger calls for action Drought fast for farmers. "It is taxpayer money, and we need representative data," said Tuesday the CDU politician. This Wednesday, she wants to inform the federal cabinet of the situation first. The farmers' badociation presents new data on losses in fields and grbadlands and urges politicians to hurry up. Environmentalists and Greens are in favor of aid for hard-hit companies, but also require more climate protection in agriculture </p>
<div clbad=

    <img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data : image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/germanministeroffoodandagriculturekloeckner_200872731_mbqf-1533051788-56493880/1,w1280,c=0.bild.jpg "width = "1280" alt = "" data-zoom -title = "

    Photo: MARTIN ACOSTA / Reuters

    " data-zoom-src = "https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/germanministeroffoodandagriculturekloeckner_200872731_mbqf-1533051788 -56493880 / Bild / 1.bild.jpg "/>

    Photograph: MARTIN ACOSTA / Reuters

  10. Bernburg falls – 39.4 degrees

    According to WetterKontor, the temperature in Bernburg (Saxony-Anhalt) climbed to 39.4 degrees . It is the new year 's summit. Even the old high value of 39.3 degrees was measured in Bernburg

  11. Despite the heat: already tens of thousands of metal fans in Wacken

    Two days before departure are already about 30,000 metal fans at "Wacken Open Air" have arrived. The arrival of the 29th edition of the event went off smoothly, police said.

    Due to high temperatures of more than 30 degrees, the organizers announced the establishment of additional sites on the site. In addition, visitors were asked to pay special attention because of the high risk of fire, such as cigarette butts.

    <img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https://pictures.picture.com/photos-scaled/wacken- visitor-200872628-56492712 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0. image.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Wacken visitor "data-zoom-title =" She does it well: this visitor Wacken cool the Head with ice cubes

    Photo: Axel Heimken / dpa

    "data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/wacken-besucherin-200872628-56492712/Bild/2.bild.jpg " />

    She does it well: this visitor from Wacken refreshes his head with ice cubes Photo: Axel Heimken / dpa

  12. Kitzingen cracks the 39 degrees

    The heat of # Hatching reigns in Kitzingen. According to WetterKontor, temperatures reached 39 degrees in the afternoon

    In 2015, the German absolute record of 40.3 degrees was measured at Kitzingen (Bavaria) in the Franconian region of Kitzingen.

  13. Do our apples get sunburn?

  14. July Libra: The Sun abounds

  15. Poll: Almost every second suffers from the heat

    every second German citizen suffers from the continuous heat wave. In particular fatigue, sleep disorders and dizziness and headaches have made many people to create, said the German Health Insurance Employees (DAK). This is the result of a recent representative study of the Forsa Institute on behalf of the DAK.

    The survey shows that women in particular have heat problems. According to them, 54% said they were affected. For men, it was 36%. Bavaria provides aid to farmers

    The Bavarian state government has supported farmers facing crop failures due to drought and heat. 19659003] The Minister of Agriculture, Michaela Kaniber (CSU) announced, for example, to compensate farmers for additional costs when they purchase animal feed. Especially in parts of Franconia and the Upper Palatinate, there is severe drought, threatened crops and lack of food.

  16. Free heat for boaters in Zurich

    Our neighbors also suffer from heat. Ship operators in the Swiss metropolis of Zurich went to high temperatures

    ► Neither staff nor pbadengers could expect temperatures, so the operation will be interrupted, Lake Zurich announced Navigation Company (ZSG).

    39.2 degrees to Bernburg! Annual cracked record

    39.2 ° C – new # record temperature for Saxony-Anhalt! In #Bernburg / Saale at 2 pm, this record temperature was measured. As temperatures continue to rise over the next 2 to 3 hours, the German record of 40.3 ° C is in danger. / Fr

    – DWD (@DWD_presse) July 31, 2018

  17. Sleigh trip in summer

    <img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0LGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/eine-schlittenfahrt-mitten-in-der-hitzewelle-200872459-56490502/2,w1280, c = 0. picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Sleigh ride in the middle of the heatwave "data-zoom-title =" Sleigh ride in the middle of the heat wave, it's possible – on the Zugspitze

    Photo: Sven Hoppe / dpa

    "data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/eine-schlittenfahrt-mitten-in-der-hitzewelle-200872459-56490502/Bild /2.bild.jpg "/>

    Sleigh ride in the middle of the heat wave. It works – on the Zugspitze Photo: Sven Hoppe / dpa

  18. Forest fire in the Taunus – 2500 square meters affected

    A forest area in the Taunus near Wiesbaden (Hesse) took fire at noon. According to the fire department, an area of ​​about 2500 square meters is affected in the area of ​​about 500 meters high plateau. About 30 emergency services were on site, said a spokesman for the fire department.

    ►Families and a firefighter colleague had discovered the fire around 1 pm, the spokesman said. At Jagdschloss Platte, a work site has been set up. The fire was difficult to access, it was burning undergrowth of spruce. "The fire trucks are just pbading by." A police helicopter was used to locate the fire

  19. When does chocolate melt? What you need to know about temperature …

      temperature, facts, heat, degrees, summer, sun, infographic

  20. Frankfurt: Heat damages overhead lines

    Heat from Frankfurt resulted in several hours of rest provided by the subways. According to the Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt (VGF), a train damaged a catenary on Monday afternoon which was no longer properly tensioned due to the heat. The next train had then torn the pantograph out of the car while driving in the line down. Subway traffic stopped on the runway for several hours, according to VGF. It was not until shortly after midnight that operations were able to resume.

    ►The VGF is currently reviewing the entire network to prevent such damage. Continuous heat was an unusual burden for the lines, said a spokesperson

  21. Meteorological Service: Endless Continuous Summer

    In August, summer heat and outside temperatures are not remains. The reports of the German Meteorological Service (DWD)

    However, according to the DWD, the new month starts Wednesday in some rather turbulent regions: from southwest to northeast, a thunderstorm is expected on the 39th. Germany. Heavy rains, hail and storm gusts may also occur locally. Nevertheless, it stays warm at maximum temperatures of 32 to 39 degrees. The North West and North Sea islands remain without thunderstorms and a little cooler between 23 and 32 degrees.

    ►On Thursday, DWD meteorologists expect only storms in the east and southeast. In time for the weekend, the storm should generally calm down. It stays warm at 28 to 37 degrees.

    <img clbad = "photo zoomable ondemand" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https: //images.picture .com / photos / prospects-set to the scale-on-the-Kyffhauser sunny memorial Thueringen-and-elsewhere-promises-of-germano-wet 200872330-56489002 / 3, w = 1280, c = 0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt = "The sunny outlook on the Kyffhäuser monument (Thuringia) and elsewhere, promises the German Meteorological Service" data-zoom-title = "Sunny outlook on the Kyffhäuser monument (Thuringia, photo) and elsewhere promises the German weather service

    Photo : Frank May / dpa

    "data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/sonnige-aussichten-auf-dem-kyffhaeuser-denkmal-thueringen-und-and-enhanced- promises-the- germano-moist 200872330-56489002 / image / 3.bild.jpg «/>

    Sunny Prospects on the Kyffhäuser Monument (Thuringia, photo) and elsewhere promise the German Meteorological Service Photo: Frank May / dpa

  22. Football Association: Kick Off sending due to heat only after 17:00 [19659041] Due to the heat expected on the weekend of the Football Association of South West Germany (SWFV) recommended to the clubs to postpone all matches after 5 pm En raison des températures élevées, la journée familiale de l&#39;organisation faîtière a été annulée dimanche à l&#39;école de sport Edenkoben (Rhénanie-Palatinat). Bbade-Saxe: Réduction de la puissance des centrales nucléaires

    La centrale nucléaire de Grohnde près de Hameln est produite par l&#39;opérateur PreussenElektra en raison de l&#39;augmentation de la température de l&#39;eau actuellement d&#39;environ 80 à 120 mégawatts moins d&#39;électricité. La centrale électrique a une capacité nette de 1360 mégawatts. En outre, la centrale nucléaire Emsland près de Lingen n&#39;atteint pas sa pleine capacité.

    ► «Plus l&#39;eau est chaude dans les rivières, plus l&#39;oxygène est faible», a déclaré la porte-parole du ministère de l&#39;Environnement à Hanovre, Justina Lethen. Cela pourrait entraîner des décès de poissons. Par conséquent, l&#39;eau de refroidissement, qui a conduit les centrales nucléaires dans les rivières, ne devrait pas dépbader certaines valeurs maximales. Ainsi, l&#39;eau de refroidissement de Grohne, qui atteint la Weser, ne doit pas être plus chaude que 28 degrés. L&#39;eau de refroidissement de la centrale nucléaire Emsland doit avoir une température maximale de 31 degrés, quand elle s&#39;écoule dans l&#39;Ems.

    Les problèmes d&#39;eau de refroidissement ne sont pas encore dans la centrale nucléaire d&#39;Emsland (production nette de 1400 mégawatts). L&#39;opérateur RWE peut utiliser l&#39;eau d&#39;un réservoir voisin dès que les températures de l&#39;eau de l&#39;Ems augmentent. Néanmoins, la centrale nucléaire produit actuellement 30 mégawatts de moins que d&#39;habitude, ce qui est tout à fait normal, a déclaré le porte-parole de RWE, Jan Peter Cirkel. "Dans les mois d&#39;été, l&#39;efficacité de toutes les centrales électriques est toujours un peu plus faible parce que le refroidissement ne fonctionne pas très bien."

    <img clbad = "photo ondemand zoomable" src = "données: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/wbaderdampf-steigen-aus-den-kuehltuermen-vom-kernkraftwerk-grohnde-archivfoto-200872323-56488828/2,w=1280,c = 0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" De la vapeur d&#39;eau s&#39;échappe des tours de refroidissement de la centrale nucléaire de Grohnde (photo d&#39;archives) "data-zoom-title =" La vapeur d&#39;eau monte des tours de refroidissement de la centrale nucléaire de Grohnde. Julian Stratenschulte / dpa

    "données-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/wbaderdampf-steigen-aus-den-kuehltuermen-vom-kernkraftwerk-grohnde-archivfoto-200872323-56488828/Bild /2.bild.jpg « />

    La vapeur d&#39;eau s&#39;élève des tours de refroidissement de la centrale nucléaire de Grohnde (photo d&#39;archives) Photo: Julian Stratenschulte / dpa

  • Plaisirs de baignade en mer Baltique: avertissement de méduse de feu

    Glücksburg und Travemünde (Schleswig.Holstein) nur vereinzelt Feuerquallen gesichtet – doch das könne sich jederzeit ändern, sagte DLRG-Sprecher Robin Wendt. Nach Angaben des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD) sollte der Wind am Mittwoch von Süd auf West drehen. Dann könnten nach Angaben der DLRG auch wieder vermehrt Quallen an den Stränden auftauchen.

    ►Feuerquallen haben bereits am Wochenende an der mecklenburgischen Ostseeküste das Badevergnügen getrübt und bei zahlreichen Badegästen Beschwerden verursacht. Allein in Heiligendamm (Landkreis Rostock) sollen laut „Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland“ 90 Strandgäste betroffen gewesen sein. Auch an den Stränden um Graal-Müritz (Landkreis Rostock) sollen die Quallen vermehrt aufgetreten sein.

    <img clbad="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/gelbe-haarqualle-feuerqualle-200800702-56488468/2,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Gelbe Haarqualle Feuerqualle" data-zoom-title="Die Tentakel der Gelben Feuerqualle (auch Gelbe Haarqualle) sind mit Nesselzellen bestückt. Kommen sie in Kontakt mit der Haut, verursachen sie unangenehmes bis schmerzhaftes Brennen und Rötungen, die aber in der Regel ungefährlich sind

    Foto: picture alliance / Arco Images G

    " data-zoom-src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/gelbe-haarqualle-feuerqualle-200800702-56488468/Bild/2.bild.jpg"/>

    Die Tentakel der Gelben Feuerqualle (auch Gelbe Haarqualle) sind mit Nesselzellen bestückt. Kommen sie in Kontakt mit der Haut, verursachen sie unangenehmes bis schmerzhaftes Brennen und Rötungen, die aber in der Regel ungefährlich sindFoto: picture alliance / Arco Images G

  • Hitzeschäden auf Berliner Stadtautobahn A100

    Hitzeschäden sorgen auf der Berliner Stadtautobahn für Verkehrsbehinderungen und Staus. Wegen der hohen Temperaturen sind Fahrbahnplatten auf der A100 aufgeplatzt, sagte ein Sprecher der Verkehrsinformationszentrale Berlin (VIZ). Die Strecke wurde am Dreieck Funkturm in Richtung Wedding gesperrt, teilte die VIZ via Twitter mit. Es komme in dem Bereich zu mbadiven Verkehrsbehinderungen. Auch in Moabit komme es zu Staus, nachdem dort die Heidestraße wegen einer drohenden Fahrbahnabsackung voll gesperrt wurde. Die Ursache war hier zunächst unklar.

  • Wegen Hitze: Polizeihunde in Zürich tragen Schuhe

    Die Polizeihunde in Zürich tragen wegen der heißen Straßen nun Schuhe. However, every dog ​​driver decides himself should he put the shoes on the four-legged friends, said a spokesman for the municipal police. Grundsätzlich raten die Ordnungshüter den Herrchen und Frauchen, großen Hunden so einen Hitze-Schutz zu gönnen und kleine Hunde auf den Arm zu nehmen.

    ►Die Spezialisten des Diensthunde-Kompetenz-Zentrums haben während ihrer aktuellen Patrouillen die Hundehalter im Blick und weisen sie auf die hohen Asphalttemperaturen hin. Sie empfehlen die Fühlprobe: Handrücken für fünf Sekunden auf den Asphalt – zu heiß? Dann die Strecken meiden oder die empfindlichen Hundepfoten schützen.

    Das Tragen von Schuhen sei für die Polizeihunde seit Jahren eine gewohnte Sache, hieß es. Les chaussures sont portées dans les opérations où il y a un risque d&#39;éclats de verre sur le sol. Même lorsque les chiens fouillent les voitures, par exemple, à la recherche de drogues, ils portent des chaussures. In dem Fall um die Inneneinrichtung vor Schäden durch Hundekrallen zu bewahren.

  • Jalousien kaputt – Stadt schickt Mitarbeiter früher heim

    Wegen eines Defekts der Jalousien in den Büros dürfen Mitarbeiter der Stadtverwaltung Weimar (Thüringen) vorzeitig Feierabend machen. On the south side of an administrative building, the facilities on the windows could not be closed since morning, in the rooms prevail the smoldering heat, said the spokesman of the city, Ralf Finke. "More than 35 degrees are certain." As a result, workers are allowed to return home at 2:30 pm on Tuesday. Ausgenommen ist nur das Bürgerbüro.

    ►Das Verwaltungsgebäude liegt genau gegenüber dem Freibad. Abkühlen können sich die Beschäftigten dort allerdings nicht: Ausgerechnet im seit Jahren heißesten Sommer ist es wegen Sanierung geschlossen…

  • Berliner Zoo und Tierpark bereiten Eisbomben für Zoo-Tiere

    Auch Panda, Eisbär und Elefant lieben Abkühlung. Im Berliner Zoo und im Tierpark gibt es zum Beispiel Extra-Duschen und gefrorenes Futter, sagte Zoo-Sprecherin Philine Hachmeister. "La plupart des animaux le font comme les humains. Sie gehen in den Schatten, springen ins Wbader oder ziehen sich in kühlere Innenräume zurück.“ Als kleines Extra friert der Zoo das Futter der Kälte liebenden Tiere in Wbadereimern ein. Äpfel, Möhren oder Fisch als Eisbombe sind beliebt.

    <img clbad="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/ein-tiger-aus-dem-berliner-tierpark-lutscht-genuesslich-an-einer-eisbombe-mit-hering-200872251-56487724/2,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Ein Tiger aus dem Berliner Tierpark lutscht genüsslich an einer Eisbombe mit Hering" data-zoom-title="Ein Tiger aus dem Berliner Tierpark lutscht genüsslich an einer Eisbombe mit Hering

    Foto: Paul Zinken / dpa

    " data-zoom-src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/ein-tiger-aus-dem-berliner-tierpark-lutscht-genuesslich-an-einer-eisbombe-mit-hering-200872251-5648772 4/Bild/2.bild.jpg"/>

    Ein Tiger aus dem Berliner Tierpark lutscht genüsslich an einer Eisbombe mit HeringFoto: Paul Zinken / dpa

  • Video: Hitze-Kollaps in Reisebus

  • So kühlen Sie Ihr Auto schnell runter

  • Harzer Talsperren leeren sich

    Stand heute befinden sich in den sechs großen Westharzer Stauseen rund 102 Millionen Kubikmeter Wbader. Dies entsprach nach Angaben der Harzwbaderwerke einem Füllungsgrad von 56 Prozent. „Im langjährigen Mittel sind es um diese Jahreszeit dagegen 70 Prozent“, sagte ein Sprecher.

    Während die Stauseen aus den Hochlagen des Harzes demnach gegenwärtig nur noch einen Zufluss von insgesamt knapp 2000 Kubikmeter pro Stunde haben, werden im gleichen Zeitraum fast 14 000 Kubikmeter an die Unterläufe von Oder, Söse, Ecker, Oker, Grane und Innerste abgegeben. Zudem gehen durch die starke Verdunstung pro Tag etwa 50 000 Kubikmeter Wbader verloren, so der Sprecher.

    ►Trotzdem sei die Trinkwbaderversorgung derzeit nicht gefährdet. Die Harzwbaderwerke gehören nach eigenen Angaben mit einer Gesamtlieferung von jährlich rund 95 Millionen Kubikmetern zu den zehn größten Wbaderversorgern in Deutschland. Das Unternehmen beliefert in Niedersachsen und Bremen rund zwei Millionen Menschen und eine Vielzahl von Industriebetrieben mit Wbader.

    <img clbad="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/luftaufnahme-der-soesetalsperre-im-harz-niedersachsen-im-stausee-ist-durch-die-anhaltende-trockenhe-200872228-56487224/2,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Luftaufnahme der Sösetalsperre im Harz (Niedersachsen). Im Stausee ist durch die anhaltende Trockenheit der Wbaderstand gefallen" data-zoom-title="Luftaufnahme der Sösetalsperre im Harz (Niedersachsen). Im Stausee ist durch die anhaltende Trockenheit der Wbaderstand gefallen

    Foto: Stefan Rampfel / dpa

    " data-zoom-src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/luftaufnahme-der-soesetalsperre-im-harz-niedersachsen-im-stausee-ist-durch-die-anhaltende-trockenhe-200872228-56487224/Bild/2.bild.jpg"/>

    Luftaufnahme der Sösetalsperre im Harz (Niedersachsen). Im Stausee ist durch die anhaltende Trockenheit der Wbaderstand gefallenFoto: Stefan Rampfel / dpa

  • So bewahren Sie einen kühlen Kopf

    Anleitung: Klimaanlage selbstgebaut - infografik

  • Spitzenwert um 10 Uhr: 31,9 Grad

    Die deutschlandweit höchsten Temperaturen um 10 Uhr wurden allesamt in Sachsen gemessen:

    Klitzschen bei Torgau: 31,9 Grad

    Garsebach bei Meißen: 31,9 Grad

    Dresden-Strahlau: 31,8 Grad

    (Quelle: WetterKontor)

  • Experten: Großbritannien wird heißer und feuchter

    Auch die Briten ächzen unter der Hitze: Das Wetter in Großbritannien ist seit Wochen ungewöhnlich warm. Viele Regionen leiden unter Trockenheit, Bauern beklagen Ernteeinbußen. Die Durchschnittstemperatur der vergangenen zehn Jahre lag den Meteorologen zufolge etwa 0,8 Grad Celsius höher als im Zeitraum von 1961 bis 1990. Auch die Niederschläge hätten – im Gegensatz zu diesem Sommer – insgesamt deutlich zugenommen.

    ►Klimaexperte Stephen Cornelius von der Umweltorganisation WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature): „Extremes Wetter – wie wir es in diesem Sommer erleben – bedroht unsere Gesundheit, unsere Wbaderversorgung und unsere Umwelt.“ Klimaschädliche Kohlendioxid-Emissionen müssten deutlich verringert werden, betonte Cornelius.

    <img clbad="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/briten-erfrischen-sich-in-einem-freibad-im-londoner-park-hampstead-heath-200872140-56486148/2,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Briten erfrischen sich in einem Freibad im Londoner Park Hampstead Heath" data-zoom-title="Briten erfrischen sich in einem Freibad im Londoner Park Hampstead Heath


    " data-zoom-src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/briten-erfrischen-sich-in-einem-freibad-im-londoner-park-hampstead-heath-200872140-56486148/Bild/2.bild.jpg"/>

    Briten erfrischen sich in einem Freibad im Londoner Park Hampstead HeathFoto: TOLGA AKMEN / AFP

  • Forstwirtschaft fürchtet Totalverlust bei jungen Bäumen

    Die Forstwirtschaft fürchtet wegen der Hitze und Trockenheit das Absterben von Millionen in diesem Jahr neu gepflanzten Bäumen. „Es droht ein Totalausfall der neuen Generation“, sagte der Präsident des Deutschen Forstwirtschaftsrats, Georg Schirmbeck, der „Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung“. Demnach werden pro Jahr 500 Millionen junge Bäume in Deutschland gepflanzt.

    ►„Die Hitzewelle macht die Pflanzarbeit von mehreren Jahren zunichte – anders als bei ausgewachsenen Bäumen reichen bei jungen bereits ein paar Monate Trockenheit, um sie absterben zu lbaden“, sagte Schirmbeck. Anders als beim Ackerbau könne in einem Wald auch nicht jedes Jahr von vorn angefangen werden. Der Verbandspräsident forderte eine direkte Förderung der Waldbesitzer. Die die Mehrheit der kleinen Waldbesitzer könnten schon jetzt ihren Wald selten kostendeckend pflegen.

    <img clbad="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/wie-hier-in-chemnitz-sachsen-helfen-an-vielen-orten-deutschlands-polizei-und-feuerwehr-beim-bewaess-200872123-56485894/2,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Wie hier in Chemnitz (Sachsen), helfen an vielen Orten Deutschlands Polizei und Feuerwehr beim Bewässern von jungen Bäumen" data-zoom-title="Wie hier in Chemnitz (Sachsen), helfen an vielen Orten Deutschlands Polizei und Feuerwehr beim Bewässern von jungen Bäumen

    Foto: ©Klemens Körner

    " data-zoom-src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/wie-hier-in-chemnitz-sachsen-helfen-an-vielen-orten-deutschlands-polizei-und-feuerwehr-beim-bewaess-200872123-56485894/Bild/2.bild.jpg"/>

    Wie hier in Chemnitz (Sachsen), helfen an vielen Orten Deutschlands Polizei und Feuerwehr beim Bewässern von jungen BäumenFoto: ©Klemens Körner

  • Reiseveranstalter: Urlauber bleiben lieber zu Hause

    Das heiße Wetter in Europa trübt die Gewinnaussichten von Reiseveranstalter Thomas Cook. „Angesichts der außerordentlich hohen Temperaturen in unseren wichtigsten Quellmärkten haben viele Menschen ihre Entscheidung über ihren Urlaub aufgeschoben“, sagte Thomas-Cook-Chef Peter Fankhauser in London. Es entschieden sich viele Kunden, die derzeitigen Rekordtemperaturen zu Hause zu genießen. Das belaste das Geschäft mit Last-Minute-Buchungen.

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