7 simple tips for successful weight loss


Have you tried everything, including the sirt diet, which allows candy and wine? But the belly fat does not want to give in and the scale does not show a satisfactory result? Kristy Curtis, a fitness expert, knows how the pounds drop and the belly fat disappears. In an interview with the English-language Daily Mail newspaper, the Australian reveals seven tips for losing weight effectively.

1. continue to advance

According to the recommendations of the expert, should be overwhelming endurance sports be operated. For example, cycling, jogging or swimming increases your pulse. The fat is burned faster. However, one must ensure that there is a constant change between exercises. One-sided training can cause inflammation of the muscles, tendons and joints. In addition, strength training should not be abandoned. Muscles strengthen bones and reduce heart disease and bone loss.

2. Count calories

Important when losing weight is use more energy than eatingAs a result, only the amount of food that the body needs should be consumed. Thus, according to Curtis, a total caloric deficit of 7,700 calories is badociated with a weight loss of one kilogram. Calorie counting apps are "MyFitnessPal" apps, available for free from Google Play Appstore.

3. Keep track of sugars and carbohydrates

The so-called "empty" calories, which are found in Sugar and carbohydrates hide. Because of sugar, blood pressure and insulin content in the blood are increasing for the moment, then decrease sharply. Insulin stores fat and prevents it from losing weight. If the insulin content is low, the fat can be burned more quickly.

4. bring movement into everyday life

In addition to the regular fitness program to burn extra calories, must be paid for daily exercise. already small changes Real miracles can work: take the stairs rather than the elevator or get off earlier from a bus station to cover the remaining meters.

5. Eat high protein

a high protein meal helps not only to build muscles, but also to burn calories during our resting phase. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn and the more you can eat. According to the recommendations of the fitness expert, animal products such as meat, seafood, dairy products or eggs must be consumed. But vegan products also contain protein. Soy products, legumes, beans and more can cover your daily needs. This represents between 0.8 and 1.5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. With a regular bodybuilding, it can be more. Above all, the saturation stops longer when the intake of protein.

Say yes to loud – The Protein Cookbook

6. The good meal after the sport

Even after the training should be not rewarded with chocolate or unnecessary liqueurs be. Although cravings for sweat training are good, proteins, carbohydrates and fats should continue to be consumed to cover essential nutrients. Because after exercise, the body's cells are ready to take a nutrient-rich meal.

7. Beware of alcohol

Sip a glbad of wine for dinner or a badtail at the weekend in your favorite bar, to avoid if possible in the future. Alcohol has its sugar and starch content seven calories per gram, Almost exactly as much as pure fat. The success achieved should not be sabotaged by cravings, after all, even without alcohol, the evening can be fun.

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