Naumburg Cathedral is a World Heritage Site | TIME ONLINE


The Naumburg Cathedral in Saxony-Anhalt is to
World Heritage Site has been named. The World Cultural Organization has decided
their inscription on the World Heritage List at their meeting in Bahrain. if
Now, a total of 44 German monuments belong to the world's cultural heritage.

He was for the sake of Saxony-Anhalt
already the third attempt. Twice was the admission of the Naumburger
Doms with the medieval landscape high in Saale and Unstrut
unsuccessfully demanded last year last year. Had now
the application of the success of the cathedral, but without the cultural landscape. The Gothic cathedral of St. Peter and Paul is one of them
the most important cathedral buildings of the European High Middle Ages.
Known today is the Protestant church mainly because of
figures of life-sized donors of the master of Naumburg of 13
Century. Particularly famous among them is the representation of the
Margravine Uta of Naumburg.

Previously, Unesco had already
Danewerk Fortification and the Haithabu Trade Square in
Schleswig-Holstein is a World Heritage Site. They are among the most important archaeological sites
Testimonials from Northern Europe. From the 7th to the 12th century, this security
The defense system danewerk the border of the Danish empire. Proximity
The Viking village of Haithabu sometimes had up to 2,000 inhabitants
one of the most important medieval settlements in
North Europe. The city was destroyed in 1066 and fell largely in
Oblivion. Excavations began in 1900. The site was due to
their rich archaeological discoveries essential for
Viking age exploration, said Unesco.

Also sites like the Colombian
Chiribiquete National Park, the caliphate town of Medina Azahara in
Spain and the forest landscape Pimachiowin Aki in Canada
since sunday world heritage. In addition, the Victorian and
Mumbai Art Deco ensemble, the prehistoric site of Göbekli
Tepe in Turkey, Buddhist mountain monasteries in South Korea and
Hidden Christian sites in Japan's Nagasaki region

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