Donald Trump: The EU is "as bad as China in world trade" – Politics – Current Politics


19 min ago

US President Donald Trump strongly criticized the EU for its trade policy and compared it to China: "It's terrible what they we do. "

  • The United States and Europe are en route a trade war. The EU responded by applying retaliatory duties to US taxes on aluminum and steel products. The United States is also in trade conflict with China.
  • At a historic meeting, Presidents Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un signed an agreement to include North Korea's nuclear disarmament.
  • The administration of President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of the United States from the United Nations Human Rights Council

United States and Donald Trump: News on the blog

1. July: Trump: The EU as bad as China

US President Donald Trump has, in a bitter attack, compared the European Union to its business practices with China. "The European Union may be just like China, just smaller," Trump said in an interview with his original channel Fox News . "It's terrible what they do to us," he added. "They send their Mercedes here, we can not send our cars."

The European Union does not want to buy agricultural products in the United States. "They protect their farmers," said Trump. "We do not protect ours, but they protect theirs." The European Union recorded a trade surplus of $ 151 billion with the United States last year.

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30. June: The Pentagon denies a report on the possible withdrawal of American troops

The US Department of Defense has rejected a media report speculating on US troop withdrawal considerations from Germany. The National Security Council has asked the Ministry of Defense no badysis of the cost of relocating US troops stationed in Germany, said a Pentagon spokesman for the German news agency Friday night (local time). The Washington Post, citing unnamed sources, reports that the Pentagon is investigating the costs and consequences of a large-scale retreat or relocation of troops stationed in Germany. President Donald Trump said he was interested in a meeting with representatives of the White House and the Army. Trump is expected to attend the NATO summit in Brussels on July 11th and 12th.

Trump was surprised at the strength of the troops in Germany and complains that other NATO member states are not honoring their obligations, writes the Post. There are currently about 35,000 American soldiers in Germany. Government officials interviewed by the mail pointed out that the considerations were only an internal examination of the possibilities. The Pentagon chief is currently not concerned with the issue.

The Pentagon regularly reviews the positioning of the armed forces and provides cost-benefit calculations, a spokesman for DPA said. This is not new. "Germany is home to the largest presence of US troops in Europe – we remain deeply rooted in common values ​​and strong relations between our two countries," he said. The United States remains fully committed to NATO's allies in Germany and the defense alliance.

Tensions in defense spending at NATO have been strained for months between the United States and other allies. Trump had criticized the German government for this reason repeatedly via Twitter

According to a report, US troops check the withdrawal of Germany

According to a Washington Post article, the US Department of Defense verifies the withdrawal of US soldiers stationed in Germany. The options envisaged included the return of most of the approximately 35,000 soldiers stationed in Germany in the United States or the transfer of all or part of the contingent to Poland, the newspaper reported on Friday (local time).

President Donald Trump raised the idea of ​​a withdrawal of troops earlier during a meeting with military advisers and White House officials. European NATO members worried about the process and were trying to determine if Trump was serious or if the threat of a troop restructuring was a bargaining chip before the NATO summit in July.

In Germany, since the end of US World War II soldiers stationed. This is the largest contingent outside the United States.

29. June: Canada announces its own tariffs on steel and aluminum products

Canada against punitive US tariffs on steel and aluminum with counter-tariffs measures, fueling the growing trade dispute with Washington. Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland has announced tariffs on steel and aluminum products from the United States worth ten billion euros, which are expected to take effect Sunday. "Canada has no choice but to respond with a modest dollar-to-dollar mutual response," Freeland said Friday.

US President Donald Trump's punitive tariffs against his northern neighbor came into effect this month. The tariffs are illegal from Canada's point of view, as the country like the European Union has filed a lawsuit before the WTO. According to Ottawa, US tariffs also violate the rules of the North American Free Trade Agreement Nafta, which both countries and Mexico are renegotiating.

Trump: Journalists must be able to work without fear on publishers any violence against the media

After the attack at the gun of an American newspaper with five dead , US President Donald Trump condemned all violence against the media. Journalists should be able to do their job "free from the fear of being forcibly attacked," Trump said Friday in Washington.

Previously, the American public had criticized Trump for his return from an event the night before. In the state of Wisconsin, journalists' questions about the attack unfolded without words

However, the president had already written in the Twitter short message service that his "thoughts and prayers" were with the victims and their families. His spokesman Sarah Sanders also tweeted on Thursday: "A violent attack on innocent journalists doing their job is an attack on all Americans."

Strongly condemn the evil act of senseless violence in Annapolis, MD. A violent attack on innocent journalists attacks all Americans. Our prayers accompany their victims and their families.

– Sarah Sanders (@PressSec)
28 June 2018

Trump attacks with a critical distance on him reporting the media and also individual journalists again and again hard. He describes himself as the victim of a systematic campaign of "false news"

However, there is no evidence that the author of the killing of five people Thursday in the The editorial board of the local newspaper "Capital Gazette" in Annapolis, Maryland has been influenced in some way by the President's anti-media tirades. According to a report from the "Baltimore Sun", the shooter has for years been deeply angered by the newspaper that he attacked after having bargained harbadment charges against him in 2011.

Detention of the policy of # 39; asylum – US police takes Close to 600 protesters arrested

US police temporarily arrested nearly 600 people who had protested in a Senate building against the immigration policy of US President Donald Trump. Democratic opponents Pramila Jayapal and Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon were among the majority protesters opposed to the separation and imprisonment of immigrant families.

Trump opponents gathered Thursday in the atrium of a Washington Senate building with a banner. The inscription: "Families must stay together in freedom."

The Capitol Police claimed to have temporarily arrested about 575 people for "illegal demonstrations". You must expect a fine. Another protest against the immigration policy will take place on Saturday.

The Trump government abducted children from their parents and housed them separately in shelters under a "zero tolerance" policy against illegal migrants. However, following an uproar in the public eye, President Trump stopped the practice last week.

About 2,000 of the affected migrant children continue to live in homes separate from their parents, according to the government. Parents are treated as criminals because of the illegal crossing of the border and are detained.

28. June: Trump reportedly makes derogatory remarks about NATO at G7 summit

US President Donald Trump reportedly defended NATO at G7 summit in early June at Canada, according to a media report in camera. Trump called the military alliance "as bad as Nafta" when meeting with Western partners, the US news portal "Axios" reported on Thursday.

Nafta is the US free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico in 1994. United States by the agreement enjoys and threatens to leave the deal. NATO, for its part, called Trump "obsolete" 17 months ago when he took office, which alarmed the partner states at that time. However, since then, he has not used hard words for the alliance, at least in public

Trump and Putin's first summit on July 16 in Helsinki

First summit of the US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will be held July 16 in Helsinki, the Finnish capital. This was announced by the Kremlin in Moscow and the White House in Washington on Thursday. Up to now, the two leaders have been on the sidelines of international meetings

China Appeals to Trump: Avoiding Escalation in Trade Dispute

In the Trade Dispute with the United States United, China has called on US President Donald Trump to avoid. Restrictions on trade or investment are not in the interest of the global economy and trading partners, nor for their own benefit, Deputy Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen said Thursday. the press in Beijing. The deputy minister presented a white paper on China's compliance with its obligations to the World Trade Organization (WTO), in which China vigorously opposes protectionism and unilateralism.

Trump Can Expect New Elections to the Supreme Court

Resigning, US President Donald Trump Had the Opportunity to Put on the Right the Powerful and Highly Political Court Constitutional. Judge Anthony Kennedy will leave the Supreme Court on July 31, as he also wrote to Trump on Wednesday after a 30-minute appeal. Thus, the way for the president is free to send another arch-conservative lawyer in the nine-member body – and give him long-term, conservative overweight. Trump announced Wednesday that he would immediately start looking for a successor to Kennedy.

He honored Kennedy, who was still nominated by Republican President Ronald Reagan, as a "great" attorney. For the decision on the new judge or the new judge, there is a list on which there are currently 25 names, said the president. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the Senate would approve a new judge later this fall. There, the simple majority of the Republicans of 51 votes. It is not until November 8 that important parliamentary elections will be held in the United States, where the majority could change.

27. June: A new attempt at adoption of the US Migration Act failed

The US House of Representatives again failed Wednesday to try to adopt a new law on migration. The Council rejected the draft compromise resolution with a clear majority. Among other things, the project would have included the possibility of illegally detaining illegal immigrants and their children. He also provided funds for the construction of the border wall of President Donald Trump in Mexico, amounting to $ 25 billion.

Trump himself said last week that efforts to create a new immigration law are currently a waste of time. Opposition Democrats do not have the will to legislate. At least in the Senate, several Democrat votes would be needed because the simple majority of ruling Republicans is not enough for final adoption.

Tusk warns of "worst case scenarios" in relations with the United States. From the point of view of the President of the Council Donald Tusk, he must prepare for a drastic deterioration of relations with the United States. "I sincerely hope, I believe, that we must prepare our Union for the worst scenarios," wrote Tusk in his invitation letter to the EU summit on Wednesday.

The trade dispute with the United States is a problem in which two-day meeting of European leaders Thursday and Friday. The EU had set retaliatory tariffs for the last time because US President Donald Trump had imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum. Trump is also considering punitive tariffs on car imports.

"Despite our relentless efforts to keep the West together, transatlantic relations are under enormous pressure because of President Trump's policies," Tusk continues. The US president had already upset the European allies with the resignation of the Paris agreement on climate and nuclear agreement with Iran.

EU circles have stated that such negative decisions are slowly becoming models that Washington does not know friends or enemies and the preservation of international rules is not a priority. Such a doctrine is very dangerous for Europe

Trump seems to want to suppress Chinese investment for the time being

US President Donald Trump is fighting to better protect the US. China's domestic investment risk economy, a more cautious course. For now, the White House is seeking to modernize the existing rules and refrain from taking additional measures, as the government announced Wednesday in Washington

The Congress already has 39 important legislation to protect US technologies from harmful acquisitions abroad. Advances made, Trump announced in a statement. However, failing to better protect "the jewels of American technology" and intellectual property acquisitions that threaten national security and the economy would require the development of more stringent measures.

The Merging of Separate Migrant Families

In the United States, a court ordered the reunion of separated migrant families. Federal Judge Dana Sabraw of San Diego, California, told US authorities on Tuesday to reunite separated families on the Mexican border within 30 days. Children under five must even return to their parents within two weeks.

Following the "zero tolerance" policy of President Donald Trump, migrants who entered the United States illegally across the Mexican border are overwhelmed The children were taken away and the children were sent to detention centers after an angry outcry at home and abroad on Wednesday, but more than 2,000 children are still separated from their parents. [19659011L'organisationdedéfensedesdroitsciviquesaméricaineACLUaintentéuneactionenjusticecontrelesdivisionsfamilialesàSanDiegoenCaliforniespécifiquementpourunefillettedeseptansenlevéeàsamèrecongolaiseetungarçonde14ansséparédesamèrebrésilienneParuneinjonctionprovisoirelejugefédéralainterditlesfuturesséparationsfamiliales

  Copy% 20of% 20P_16B2HY.tif [19659060] In the United States, a court ordered the reunion of separated families of migrants.
      Image: Herika Martinez, afp
<p>  The judge strongly criticized the government in its decision. She reacted to the controversial practice only to a "chaotic situation" that she "created herself," writes Sabraw in her 24-page statement. However, moderate and orderly governance is "essential to the concept of the rule of law rooted in our constitution". </p>
<p>  <strong> 26. June: The United States demand of all countries that they stop importing Iranian oil </strong></p>
<p>  The United States, after leaving the nuclear agreement with Iran, want to deprive the country of its main source of oil revenues with a total oil embargo. It is true that the United States, with the help of a strict regime of sanctions, want to reduce to zero the oil imports of the other Iranian countries, said Tuesday in Washington a senior manager of the department of 39, US state. The goal is November 4th. "We will be in contact with our partners in the Middle East in about a week to ensure that the world's oil supply will not be affected," he said. </p>
<p>  The United States was aware that this would not only be endorsed by US allies, especially oil importers. "The reason they're going to do it anyway is their relationship with us," he said. In principle, all countries are affected, there are discussions, among others, with China, India and Turkey before. </p>
<p>  US President Donald Trump announced in May the unilateral withdrawal of his country from the nuclear deal with Iran and reinstated economic sanctions on the Islamic Republic suspended under the agreement . Trump had spoken in recent days of the early successes of the policy, which the head of the state department described as "a strategy of maximum economic pressure." </p>
<p>  "Iran is a different country since we left," Trump said. Tehran has already changed its aggressive behavior in the region. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that the Tehran government is also under pressure from its own people over the economic situation. The Iranian people are tired of having to constantly pay for the consequences of the politics of the elite clerics </p>
<p>  <strong> US Supreme Court: Trump's ban on entry is constitutional </strong></p>
<p>  In the dispute over the ban on the entry of US President Donald Trump People from several Islamic countries joined the US Supreme Court on the government side. The decision rendered Tuesday was narrowly restrictive with five to four votes </p>
<p>  The case concerned the most recent form of visa ban that the government had issued last September. The people affected are Iranians, Libyans, Somalis, Syrians and Yemenis. </p>
<p>  Trump imposed the first ban on people from several predominantly Muslim countries only a week after taking office on January 20, 2017, triggering horror around the world. Chancellor Angela Merkel also criticized the measure. </p>
<p>  There was chaos in several airports and mbadive demonstrations. A federal judge finally decided Trump's decree provisionally. In the following months, he should come to a difficult legal dispute. The Trump government has revised the ban on entry several times – again and again the courts have put the different versions, but on the ice. </p>
<p>  Last December, the Supreme Court finally enacted the latest form of September visa ban. Assigned were next to Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen and Chad. The Trump government argued that these countries were not complying with the US requirements for security screening of visa applicants and information sharing. Chad was later removed from the list. There are also restrictions for North Korea and Venezuela. </p>
<p>  The Supreme Court case was confronted with the Trump government on one side and the state of Hawaii and the other plaintiffs on the other. Opponents doubted the constitutionality of Trump's action and accused him of having overstepped his powers. They also referred to anti-Muslim statements by activist Trump, who called for "a complete blockade of the United States against Muslims" and argued that it discriminated against people because of their religion . </p>
<p>  <strong> Trump threat Harley-Davidson: "will be taxed like never before!" </strong></p>
<p>  US President Donald Trump arrested motorcycle builder Harley-Davidson on plans to relocate parts of US production threatened with violent consequences. "A Harley should never be built in another country," tweeted Trump on Tuesday. Employees and customers are already very angry. If the company makes its announcement true, it means "the beginning of the end," writes Trump, threatening, "You are taxed like never before!". </p>
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A Harley-Davidson should never be built in another country – never! Their employees and customers are already very angry with them. If they move, look, they will surrender, they will give up! Aura wants to be gone and they will be like never before

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
June 26, 2018

In another tweet, it is said earlier: "Harley must be aware that he can not sell with a high tax in the United States." The motorcycle maker had said Monday that the step should be bypbaded by additional rights and thus avoided an increase in prices for customers in Europe. Trump, who had already reprimanded Harley-Davidson the day before, also accused the company of using pricing policy solely as a preliminary justification for reducing production capacity in the United States.

… When I had Harley-Davidson representatives at the White House, I rebuked them on other countries, like India, being too high. Companies are now coming back to America. Harley must know that they are not ready to resell in the United States. without paying a big tax!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
June 26, 2018

Harley-Davidson announces – well before tariffs are imposed – the relocation of much of its Kansas City plant in Thailand, says Trump. "They use tariffs / commercial war only as an excuse." Indeed, the builder had already announced more than a year ago the construction of a factory in Thailand. Customs duties were not mentioned as a reason for Harley-Davidson. It was about to increase the presence in the Asia-Pacific market, it was said. From here, Trump had been a big fan of the company. "We are proud of you Made in America, Harley-Davidson," he had already greeted at a reception at the White House

Trump chides Harley Davidson for fleeing the tariffs

Donald Trump was "surprised" by the announcement of the American motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson for a partial relocation of its production abroad. "Surprised that Harley-Davidson of all companies is the first to hoist the white flag," Trump wrote in Twitter's Twitter briefing

"I fought hard for them and in the end they will not pay a toll on sales in the EU, which has severely damaged our trade, "tweeted Trump. Taxes are only an "excuse" from the motorcycle manufacturer, writes Trump, calling for "patience".

Surprised that Harley-Davidson, of all the companies, would be the first to brandish the white flag. I fought hard for them and finally they do not pay any tariffs on the EU, which hurt us on the trade, down from 151 trillion dollars. Taxes just an excuse Harley – be patient! #MAGA

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
June 25, 2018

The legendary American manufacturer of motorcycles had already announced, as a result of EU punitive tariffs, to relocate part of its production to other countries. It was the "only viable option" for continuing to run a viable business in Europe.

The EU had countervailing duties last Friday in response to Trump 's tariffs on aluminum and steel. American products, including iconic Harley-Davidson motorcycles, peanut butter, jeans and whiskey. Most of the affected products come from areas where Trump has a strong customer base.

25. June: Reports: The United States wants to severely limit Chinese investment in technology companies

In the trade dispute with China, the United States, according to media reports, seem to want to build a new front shortly. The Ministry of Finance intends to severely limit Chinese investment in US technology companies, according to the unified financial news agency on Monday Bloomberg and Wall Street Journal ] citing insiders. Washington wanted to call it a threat to the economic and national security of the United States.

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin called the reports "false". He did not deny, however, that his government wants to take further action against the theft of intellectual property in the high-tech industry: The planned measures were not "specifically against China , but all countries trying to steal our technology, "said the minister in the short messaging service Twitter.

On behalf of @realDonaldTrump stories about investment restrictions in Bloomberg & WSJ are false, false news. The leaker does not exist or knows the subject very well. Statement wants to be specific to China,

– Steven Mnuchin (@ stevenmnuchin1)
25 June 2018

Economists: the American trade dispute weighs more and more on the German economy

According to economic and labor market experts, international trade disputes are becoming more and more more source of uncertainty for many German companies. The tariff dispute with China, the European Union and other countries, triggered by US President Donald Trump, makes leaders hesitate to invest. Economists reported large German banks in a survey of the German News Agency . However, the labor market in Germany is still spared by complete order books and a robust domestic economy.

Experts estimate that about 2.28 million people would have been unemployed in June according to experts. That would be about 36,000 less than in May and 194,000 less than a year ago.

Dans le même temps, le Dax continue de baisser: en début de séance, l&#39;indice allemand baisse de 0,85% à 12 472,63 points lundi. L&#39;EuroStoxx 50 en tant qu&#39;indice avancé de la zone euro a perdu tout aussi net.

24. Juin: Trump veut expulser des immigrants illégaux sans procès

Le président américain Donald Trump a soutenu que les immigrants sans permis de résidence devraient se voir refuser le droit d&#39;être jugés et immédiatement expulsés. Sur Twitter, il a exigé dimanche que les personnes qui traversent illégalement la frontière ne devraient pas être poursuivies. "Nous ne pouvons pas permettre à tous ces gens d&#39;envahir notre pays", a-t-il écrit. "Si quelqu&#39;un vient ici, nous devrons les renvoyer immédiatement d&#39;où ils viennent, sans juges ni procès." Le système précédent est une "farce", at-il ajouté

Aux États-Unis, les tribunaux de l&#39;immigration ont statué sur les cas de personnes traversant la frontière illégalement.

Les politiques scandaleuses de Trump ont été une source d&#39;indignation dans le monde ces derniers jours. pris en charge. En quelques semaines, les autorités ont systématiquement séparé de leurs familles plus de 2 000 enfants d&#39;immigrés illégaux d&#39;Amérique du Sud et d&#39;Amérique centrale. Trump a rendu possible par décret présidentiel mercredi que les enfants et les parents peuvent être emprisonnés ensemble et a mis fin à la pratique controversée d&#39;abord. Cependant, il s&#39;agit d&#39;un régime temporaire et doit être soutenu par la loi.

Le président américain cherche de plus en plus à criminaliser les personnes sans papiers de résidence. Er zeichnet ein düsteres Bild von der Lage an der Grenze und hat wiederholt von einer Krise gesprochen.

Das ist allerdings nicht durch Fakten gedeckt. Die Zahl der Festnahmen an der Grenze ist seit Jahren insgesamt rückläufig. Zwar gab es in den vergangenen Monaten einen Anstieg, im Vergleich zu früheren Jahren sind die Zahlen aber niedriger.

Mehr als 520 Einwandererkinder wieder mit Eltern vereint

Nach der Trennung von ihren Eltern im Zuge der sogenannten Null-Toleranz-Politik sind in den USA 522 Flüchtlingskinder wieder mit ihren Familien vereint worden. Das teilte das US-Heimatschutzministerium mit. Weitere 16 Kinder sollten noch am Sonntag wieder mit ihren Eltern zusammengebracht werden. Eine kleine Anzahl von Kindern werde von ihren Familien getrennt bleiben, etwa wenn die Verwandtschaft nicht bestätigt werden könne, der Erwachsene eine Gefahr für das Kind darstelle oder kriminell sei.

23. Juni: Aktivisten: Chaos nach Familientrennungen an US-Grenze

Nach den umstrittenen Familientrennungen an der US-mexikanischen Grenze gibt es offenbar kein Konzept für die Wiedervereinigung der Eltern mit ihren Kindern. Die US-Behörden konnten vorerst keine Angaben dazu machen, was mit den minderjährigen Migranten pbadieren soll, die bereits in verschiedene Auffanglager des Landes gebracht wurden.

"Die Situation ist absolut chaotisch", sagte Matt Clausen von der Menschenrechtsorganisation Wola am Freitag (Ortszeit) der Nachrichtenagentur AFP. "Es bleiben so viele offene Fragen und es scheint so, als gäbe es keinen Plan, um die Eltern wieder mit ihren Kindern zusammenzubringen", erklärte Clausen.

Die US-Armee prüft derweil offenbar die Unterbringung von zehntausenden erwachsenen Migranten auf leer stehenden Stützpunkten der Luftwaffe. Wie das US-Magazin Time am Freitag unter Berufung auf ein internes Papier berichtete, könnten sowohl leerstehende Gebäude genutzt als auch "vorübergehende" Zeltstädte auf ehemaligen Landebahnen errichtet werden.

Null-Toleranz-Politik an der US-Grenze zu Mexiko: Illegale Einwanderer in einem Käfig. Foto: U.S. Customs and Border Protection&#39;s Rio Grande Valley Sector/AP

Null-Toleranz-Politik an der US-Grenze zu Mexiko: Illegale Einwanderer in einem Käfig.

Bild: U.S. Customs and Border Protection&#039;s Rio Grande Valley Sector/AP (dpa)

Demnach könnten rund 25.000 Migranten auf Luftwaffenbasen in der Nähe von Mobile im US-Bundesstaat Alabama untergebracht werden. In dem Dokument wird auch die Errichtung von Flüchtlingsunterkünften für jeweils insgesamt 47.000 Menschen in der Nähe von San Francisco sowie in Camp Pendleton im Süden des Bundesstaates Kalifornien vorgeschlagen. Weitere Migranten könnten auf einer Armeebasis in Yuma im Bundesstaat Arizona untergebracht werden.

Das US-Verteidigungsministerium lehnte jede Stellungnahme zu dem internen Papier ab. Ein Sprecher sagte allerdings, das Heimatschutzministerium habe noch keine offizielle Anfrage für die Unterbringung von Migranten an das Pentagon gerichtet. Das Verteidigungsministerium erstelle Pläne und prüfe alle Militärbasen des Landes, um auf eine Anfrage des Heimatschutzministeriums "für die Unterbringung illegaler erwachsener Migranten" reagieren zu können.

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