Consumer advocates pursue Vodafone Pass


The Federation of German Consumer Organizations has identified a number of violations of EU legislation in force in the Vodafone Pbad.

  The Vodafone Pbad violates the law of the EU vzbv.


The Vodafone Pbad violates current European legislation.

19659006] © Vodafone

According to the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (VZBV), the mobile phone operator Vodafone violates its

offers Vodafone Pbadport
against the applicable EU legislation. The option is available in four categories at Vodafone. This allows users to use the applications of selected subcontractors without the data they use overloading their monthly volume. The chat pbad includes, for example, messengers like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, the Social Pbad includes the use of Instagram and Twitter, Spotify and Deezer are free in the Music Pbad, and the pbadport covers services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime video disabled.

According to the Federation of German Consumer Organizations, the Vodafone Pbad

several restrictions
Thus, Vodafone in the fine print indicates that the service is limited to home use. In other EU countries, the data used, which is actually included in the four pbadports, is credited to the volume of data. The vzbv sees this as a violation of the regulation of the European Single Market for Telecommunications (TSM-VO). The regulation provides that consumers can also use their mobile tariff in other EU countries. In the opinion of the Federal Association, this must also apply to Vodafone pbades.

Vodafone also excludes in the terms of the contract the use of a hotspot, in the case of what is called tethering. The Vodafone Pbad can only be used by the device which also contains the corresponding SIM card. If the respective partner applications are used on another device connected only to the SIM card, the data volume used will be credited. According to the TSM regulation, consumers have the right to use a device of their choice.

As misleading, the vzbv also clbadifies advertising for the Vodafone pbadport on the mobile service provider's website. The company gives the impression that pbad offers can be used without restriction. This is only in a small footnote referring to the price list that consumers might see the restrictions on the additional offer. Here, Vodafone has since improved and conditions highlighted on its website. However, the company did not want to sign a declaration of discontinuance and discontinuance obliging Vodafone to refrain from any misleading advertising in the future.

It remains to be seen whether the Vzbv will succeed in the Dusseldorf District Court. If the court decides in favor of consumer advocates, Vodafone may need to improve its Vodafone pbadport options.

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