Pure e-fleet: VW wants 2019 wholesale in car sharing boarding


  Pure e-fleet: VW wants to become big in carsharing in 2019

VW wants to bring the first e-car of the family ID on the road in 2020. "We are on the right track", said sales director Jürgen Stackmann in Berlin

The next year, the automaker wants to expand its digital platform "We" to provide mobility services, including car sharing. ,

The German car manufacturer Volkswagen wants to make a second attempt with a carpooling offer. As early as next year, the company plans to offer zero-emission mobility services on its digital platform "We". VW relies exclusively on electric vehicles, the Sales Board Jürgen Stackmann in Berlin announced on Wednesday. The details do not yet betray the manufacturer, but should start next year a sharing service in Germany, 2020 the supply on major metropolitan areas in Europe, North America and Asia be extended.

What vehicles could be, says the company not yet. The Volkswagen I.D. "Spring will not start in the summer of 2020," said Stackmann in Berlin. When offering car sharing, you may be curious to know what will happen in 2019 on German roads. From the manufacturer's current portfolio would be the e-Golf and the little e-up! appropriate. At the end of August, Volkswagen wants to reveal more.

  Pure e-fleet: VW wants to become big in car sharing in 2019

The Volkswagen I.D. could start in the car-sharing fleet from 2020.

(Photo: Volkswagen)

What could such "on-demand vehicle" services look like, VW had already alluded to the Geneva Motor Show in March: With the "Cityskater ID" and the "Streetmate3 ID" VW has two e-scooters in the wallet , which adapted to locomotion in the city. However, up to now they are only studies

These "micro-mobility solutions", as the builder calls them, will complement other services in the future group mobility on the WE platform. For example, the Moia Shuttle Project, which successfully completed its first test phase in Hannover and is expected to arrive in Hamburg early 2019, then with its own Moia +6 electric bus, which the Volkswagen subsidiary had unveiled at the end of last year. invest about six billion euros in e-mobility over the next few years and bring about one million electric vehicles to the streets by 2025. "We are on the right track", Stackmann confirmed its ambitions Wednesday in Berlin. In Zwickau, the Group will raise the first production of electric cars. "This shows that we are not playing on the subject of electric mobility, but that we are very consistent," said the sales manager.


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